Kumar A, Bhawsar NG, Badnagre P, Panse U, Gayakwad SR, Khasdeo K (2013) Isolation of Agrobacterium tumefaciens from soil and Optimization of Geno- mic & Plasmid DNA Extraction. Int J Adv Res 1:1-4Anil Kumar, Niharika G Bhawsar, Poornima Badnagre, Ujjaval Panse, SR Gayakwad and ...
Automated Extraction for DNA, RNA, Protein, & Cells RNA Extraction Kits and RNA Isolation Reagents Viral Nucleic Acid Isolation Kits RNA/DNA Quantification Plasmid DNA Isolation Nucleic Acid Electrophoresis and Blotting Nucleic Acid Labeling DNA & RNA Purification & Analysis Equipment &...
Approaches to direct solid phase sequencing of genomic and plasmid DNA have been developed using magnetic beads, coated with streptavidin, as solid support. The DNA is immobilized through selective incorporation of biotin into one of the strands. A single stranded template, suitable for sequencing, ...
Sequencing is carried out from both the ends of plasmid DNA using ABI-3700 capillary sequencer and BigDye Terminator v3.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied biosystems) in one center and MegaBACE4000 capillary sequencer and DYEnamic ET Terminator Cycle Sequencing Kit (Amersham Biosciences) at another ...
The primary safety concern for DNA vaccines is their potential to integrate into host cellular DNA. We describe a sensitive and quantitative assay for investigating the tissue distribution and integration of plasmid DNA vaccines. By including gonadal tissues in the analysis, the potential for germline...
The PCR product was referred to as the DvcpA allele and was EcoRI digested and ligated in an EcoRI linearized pSW4426T plasmid. The construct named pSWDvcpAT was transferred to a chemiocompetent E. coli p3813 strain, and subsequently to E. coli b3914 donor cells. The conjugation ...
Purification of High Molecular Weight DNA Purification of DNA from Soil Purification of DNA from Miscellaneous Samples Plasmid Purification & Colony Screening DNA Clean Up & Concentration PCR Reagents RNA Isolation DNA and RNA Detection Yeast Research Tools Molecular Biology Accessories, Buffe...
Workflow of the sequencing and analysis of the YKJ genome. It comprises sample preparation, next-generation sequencing (NGS) and data analyses including genome assembly, mapping reads, gene annotation, phylogenetic studies and identification and extraction of the plasmid DNA sequence. As shown in the...
This method was initially developed in 1977 when an RNA extraction technique using guanidium isothyocyanate was used by Ullrich et al12 to isolate plasmid DNA. This technique was later modified by Chirgwin et al13 in 1979. It required the use of guanidium thiocyanate an...
(3) Contigs that matched 100% with the Nipponbare or 93-11 nuclear genomic sequences were ignored as they were considered to be nuclear contaminants and, as in the case of 'dead-end' contigs, depth values of these contigs were always under 15. (4) Plasmid-like sequences, corresponding ...