population genomicstertiary relict speciesDELETERIOUS MUTATIONSGENETIC DIVERSITYHABITAT FRAGMENTATIONPHYLOGENETIC ANALYSISPLANT'Living fossils', that is, ancient lineages of low taxonomic diversity, represent an exceptional evolutionary heritage, yet we know little about how demographic history and deleterious ...
Flowering of the species can be artificially accelerated4, giving it an advantage over other tree species with published genome sequences (such as poplar5, spruce6, and pine7) for the optimization of fiber and biomass production. Here we sequenced 150 birch individuals and assembled a B. ...
isms of animals, plants, and other eukaryotes, and what the sequences can inform about evolution. I then discuss the state of the art in the field of population genomics in which whole-genome sequencing of population samples offers an exciting reverse genetic venue towards, for exam- ...
Liu, N., Lyu, X., Zhang, X.et al.Reference genome sequence and population genomic analysis of peas provide insights into the genetic basis of Mendelian and other agronomic traits.Nat Genet56, 1964–1974 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-024-01867-8 ...
This reference genome completely assembles the large structural variation that created the mutant sh2-R allele. Furthermore, comparative genomics analysis with six field corn genomes highlights differences in single-nucleotide polymorphisms, structural variations, and transposon composition. Phylogenetic ...
The history of human population size is important to understanding human evolution. Heng Li and Richard Durbin use complete genome sequences from Chinese, Korean, European and Yoruban (West African) individuals to estimate population sizes between 10,000 and 1 million years ago. They infer that ...
Taken together, these results demonstrate that EXL-WGS produces high-quality complete mitochondrial genome sequence data. Next, we determined the mtDNA haplogroup distribution among SAS-AP samples using mitochondrial whole-genome sequences. Samples were grouped into populations based on their caste or ...
Li H. Aligning sequence reads, clone sequences and assembly contigs with BWA-MEM. arXiv: Genomics. 2013. Aaron M, Matthew H, Eric B, Andrey S, Kristian C, Andrew K, Kiran G, David A, Stacey G, Mark D et al. The genome analysis Toolkit: a MapReduce framework for analyzing next-ge...
A total of 168,174 TE sequences, occupying 28.1% of the genome, were identified in the lablab genome (Fig.1b). Of these, 89.6% were classified into 13 superfamilies and 2353 known families (Supplementary Table4, Supplementary Fig.3). Long Terminal Repeat-RetroTransposons (LTR-RTs) were th...
the extensive collinearity of its CC and EE subgenomes with those of its Robusta and Eugenioides progenitors is likely to facilitate introgression of interesting traits from these species, as already happened historically in the Timor spontaneous hybrid. The high-quality genome sequences of the three...