that a son, but not a daughter, may light the funeral pyre of the parents to secure salvation after death.7,21,22,37The preference for a boy is so deep rooted that also women prefer to have sons. Giving birth to a son gives them social status and acceptance within the husband’s fam...
Caldwell Esselstyn's, Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, and he watched Julia Grayer's documentary, Chow Down--the story of three people who changed the way they ate in order to save their lives. Watch it yourself for free on HULU. You just have to put up with the 1 minute commercial...
Russia's Conquest of Siberia, 1558–1700: A Documentary Record, Vol. 1 (The Press of the Oregon Historical Society, Portland, OR, USA, 1985). Google Scholar Download references Acknowledgements We are grateful for the trust of the sample donors. We thank the support from Sir Harumasa ...
Although biological relationships are a universal reality for all human beings, the concepts of “family” and “family bond” depend on both the geographic region and the historical moment to which they refer. However, the concept of “family” can be determinant in a large variety of societies...