decline,settobeginfromthemiddleofthecenturyonwards,Demographicchangesarebecomingapressingpolitical willhaveprofoundimplicationsforworkforceplanning,pensionissue,akintoclimatechange,withdebatessurrounding systems,andeconomicgrowth.Adjustingtoageingpopulationsandoverpopulationshiftingtoconcernsaboutdepopulationand consideringthepoten...
47% use their phones in-store to check prices and ask family or friends for advice 66% plan to attend college in-state to save on tuition As Gen Z enters the professional workforce and starts investing their savings, it will be interesting to see what comes out of this frugal and practic...
eSports clubs is directly related to whether a club can find excellent players. And as you can see in the chart, there are mainly four job functions that are needed in this industry. Also, the current main workforce is concentrated in first-tier cities and rich area. But the users of eSp...
It therefore casts a relational approach to membership as an active relationship, linking individual, and collective dimensions of workforce-seller social configuration. Through comparing the membership experiences of two generations of Argentinian steelworkers – the generation that experienced the ...
A new generation, named Generation Z (born after 1996), is currently in education and it will soon approach the job market. Knowing how they engage in learning is critical to design effective learning experiences both in academia and at work. However, being the newest generation, it is also...
01WeneedtoprepareforglobalpopulationdeclineTheshrinkingofpopulationgrowthratesand 01 Weneedtoprepareforglobalpopulationdecline Theshrinkingofpopulationgrowthratesandtheglobalpopulationdecline,settobeginfromthemiddleofthecenturyonwards, willhaveprofoundimplicationsforworkforceplanning,pension ...