api: 存储测试接口 conftest.py :设置前置操作 目前前置操作:1、获取token并传入headers,2、获取命令行参数给到环境变量,指定运行环境 commmon:存储封装的公共方法 connect_mysql.py:连接数据库 http_requests.py: 封装自己的请求方法 logger.py: 封装输出日志文件 read_yaml.py:读取yaml文件测试用例数据 read_save_...
支持常见的excel、json、xml、lua、yaml等等数据格式;支持生成c++、java、c#、go、lua、javascript、typescript、python、erlang、rust 等等语言代码;支持bin,、json、lua、xml、erlang等多种导出数据格式;实现了完善的本地化机制。a powerful game configure export tool and code generator that supports many common ...
1importrandom2importstring3fromPILimportImage, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageFilter456#用来随机生成一个字符串7defgene_text(number):8#生成52个大小写英文字母9source =list(string.ascii_letters)10#添加上数字11forindexinrange(0, 10):12source.append(str(index))13return''.join(random.sample(source, num...
参考资料:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10465747/how-to-create-a-white-image-in-python 方法一: In [7]:importnumpy as np In [8]: width = 100In [9]: height = 200In [10]: image = np.zeros([height, width, 3], dtype=np.uint8) In [11]: unique, counts = np.unique(image,...
Where/path/to/datasetsis a directory where you can place test datasets (it can also point to an empty directory if you don't have test datasets). Run configure to set up the required third party libraries: (odmdev) [user:/code] master+*± bash configure.sh reinstall ...
For example, if you need to install Cython before you package PyODPS code, you can run the following command: pyodps-pack \ --install-requires cython \ git+https://github.com/aliyun/aliyun-odps-python-sdk.git@v0.11.2.2 You can also run the following command to create a file named ...
Use the Python example below to call the API and visualize the results. The code uses requests, PIL, and IPython modules. If these aren’t available, you can use pip for installation, preferably in a virtual environment. To follow along, first set up a Jupyter Notebook. ...
This component has a single output port, which can be connected to one of the insight_[n] input ports of the Gather RAI Insights dashboard component.YAML Python SDK yml Kopiér counterfactual_01: type: command component: azureml://registries/azureml/components/microsoft...
In the following sections are specifications of the Responsible AI components and examples of code snippets in YAML and Python. Important Items marked (preview) in this article are currently in public preview. The preview version is provided without a service level agreement, and it's not recommen...
However, now you can’t look at your image—unless you learn how to decode the data. Fortunately, this doesn’t require a lot of code in Python, so go ahead and create a new script file to accomplish this conversion: Pythonconvert.py ...