现在,grpc输出像这样导入python代码import communicator_pb2 as communicator__pb2;不需要修改import generated_code.communicator_pb2as communicator__pb2的导入路径或将generated_code附加到sys.path,如果我像这样导入,最合法的导入方式是什么: import generate_code.commuinicator_pb2 浏览1提问于2020-07-09得票数 ...
编写插件代码: 创建一个名为 my_protoc_plugin.py 的文件,并编写插件代码。这里是一个简单的 Python 插件示例: # my_protoc_plugin.py import sys from google.protobuf.compiler import plugin_pb2 as plugin from google.protobuf.descriptor_pb2 import FieldDescriptorProto def generate_code(request, response...
# generate grpc service code - name: go-grpc out: gen/api/go opt: - paths=source_relative # generate rest service code - name: go-http out: gen/api/go opt: - paths=source_relative # generate kratos errors code - name: go-errors out: gen/api/go opt: - paths=source_relative # g...
If you only want to generate Java code: Compile/PB.targets:=Seq(PB.gens.java->(Compile/sourceManaged).value ) A version ofprotobuf-javais going to get added to the runtime dependencies. To explicitly set this version you can write: ...
安装protoc、protoc-gen-go和protoc-gen-go-grpc是实现代码自动生成的关键步骤。这些工具能够根据.proto文件自动生成 C++、Java、Python、Go、PHP 等多种编程语言的代码。特别地,生成 Go 语言的 gRPC 代码还需要依赖特定的插件。通过这些工具,开发者可以高效地生成和管理跨平台的通信代码,提高开发效率。
Python项目 在builtin中配置python即可,示例代码: protobuf { generatedFilesDir = "$projectDir/generated" generateProtoTasks { all().each { task -> task.builtins { // Generates Python code in the output folder: python { } // If you wish to avoid generating Java files: ...
("--python_out","--python_opt", &py_generator,"Generate Python source file.");#ifdefGOOGLE_PROTOBUF_RUNTIME_INCLUDE_BASEpy_generator.set_opensource_runtime(true);#endif// Python pyipython::PyiGenerator pyi_generator; cli.RegisterGenerator("--pyi_out", &pyi_generator,"Generate python pyi ...
-l LANGUAGE The language to generate (go ruby csharp java python objc gogo php node typescript web cpp descriptor_set scala) -o DIRECTORY The output directory for generated files. Will be automatically created. -i includes Extra includes ...
Problem: Unable to generate the .pyi files using protoc. OS: Ubuntu 20.04 Python version: Python 3.8.10 gRPC/protobuf versions as shown by pip list: grpcio 1.54.2 grpcio-testing 1.54.2 grpcio-tools 1.14.1 grpclib 0.4.6 googleapis-common-...
lang: specify the target language to generate. Currently, the only supported options are: go ccfor c++ (partially implemented) java Note: Python works via runtime code generation. There's no compile-time generation. See the Python section for details. ...