splagvar generates spatially lagged variables for both dependent and independent variables repectively listed in varlist1 and varlist2, constructs the Moran scatter plot, and calculates Moran's I statistics to test for the presence of spatial dependence in the variables listed in varlist1. The Mo...
values at t+1 (so the contrary of a lagged variable) in Stata? Thanks a lot in advance for helping. Best, Carina -- Carina Schmitt Research Associate Collaborative Research Center 597 "Transformations of the State" University of Bremen phone: +49 (0)421 218 7860 fax: +49 (0)421 218 ...
Re: st: generate many variables at once FromAustin Nichols <austinnichols@gmail.com> Tostatalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu SubjectRe: st: generate many variables at once DateSun, 18 Sep 2011 07:51:32 -0400