Step 1: Create a database by using the MonetDB daemon monetdbd and a new database called “voc” Step 2: Install MonetBD.R from R shell > install.packages("MonetDB.R") Step 3: Load the MonetDB.R library > library(MonetDB.R) Loading required package: DBI Loading required ...
Durbin-Watson test. Available in a wide variety of software packages. Simple to use, but does have its limitations and is considered outdated by some. It does have limitations—especially if there is a lagged dependent variable or higher-order serial correlation. “Outdated” might be a bit st...
Scholars and practitioners concur on the importance of involving business customers in the development of new products as a viable solution to suppliers’ need for continuous improvement in innovation and enhanced performance. Yet, under certain circumstances, the difficulties of involving customers as co...
021,502 1 02-14 1.10 196 2,124,555 2 02-12 0.55 110 1,942,211 2 ...
Why reprex? Getting unstuck is hard. Your first step here is usually to create a reprex, or reproducible example. The goal of a reprex is to package your code, and information about your problem so that others can run it…
to existing customers but also create new customer pools based on converging knowledge and business models (e.g., Uber may attract riders who previously used only public transportation; Airbnb may appeal to guests who previously traveled infrequently due to accommodation-related restrictions). In ...
The lagged dependent variable’s main effect on GMM should lie between OLS and fixed effect estimates. To obtain a better understanding of the contributions of PCSR and PFI to financial earnings separately, we estimated four different models based on Eq. (1). M1 and M2, respectively, assessed...
When you specify timevar, you may then use Stata's time-series operators such as L. and F. (lag and lead) in other commands. The operators will be interpreted as lagged and lead values within panel. The storage types of both panelvar and timevar must be numeric, and both variables ...
For easy to running your data analysis, try the eviews software or stata, etc. In SPSS, if you want to running the time lag data analysis, you must perform the data, like 1 to 2 etc. For example: x : 12, 13,12,17,9,12 You can create the new variable x1 : 13...
Fig. 1. Panels A to F visualize the various moderating effects of a firm's task environment. The graphs were generated by using the margins command (and marginsplot) in STATA. Each plot shows the firm performance (vertical axis) as measured by Tobin's q in relation to cash holdings (hor...