可以证明以上三种广义逆的定义是等价的,统称为矩阵的Moore-Penrose Inverse,后续部分涉及到M-P Inverse 部分,不加特殊指明,均记为A†. 2.记法 在矩阵的形式下定义了Moore-Penrose Inverse之后,我们很自然地会想到是不是能够将之推广到无穷维空间上的线性算子当中。对于这样一种想法,我们给出肯定的答复。为对无穷...
A method to solve this problem by a generalized inverse algorithm is given. Computational results are given showing the significance of the smoothing condition.doi:10.1080/174159797088027649Tewarson, R. P.Marcano, M.Gordon and Breach Science PublishersInverse Problems in Engineering...
rings and semigroups are not discussed; the interested reader is referred to Drazin [423], Foulis by some writers the generalized inverse) is now commonly called the Moore–Penrose inverse. Section 4. For generalized inverses in abstract geometric setting see also Davis and 关键词: Matrix invers...
We introduce and study a new class of generalized inverses in rings. An element $a$ in a ring $R$ has generalized Zhou inverse if there exists $b\in R$ such that $bab=b, b\in comm^2(a), a^n-ab\in \sqrt{J(R)}$ for some $n\in {\Bbb N}$. We prove that $a\in R$ has...
18.A method of seeking Moore-Penrose s generalized inverse metrix through elementary operation;求Moore-Penrose广义逆的初等变换法 相关短句/例句 generalized inverses广义逆 1.The uniqueness forgeneralized inversesof morphism of different types is also shown in the paper.研究了态射方程αxβ=γ的解,并且...
inverse.gaussian (link = "1/mu^2") poisson (link = "log") quasi (link = "identity", variance = "constant") quasibinomial (link = "logit") quasipoisson (link = "log") See help(glm) for other modeling options. See help(family) for other allowable link functions for each family. Th...
GMM的全名是Generalized Method of Moments,也就是广义矩估计。只看这个名字的话,如果去掉「广义」这个词,可能学过本科统计的人都认识,就是「矩估计」。矩估计是什么呢?简单的说,就是用样本矩代替总体矩进行统计推断的方法。一个最基础的例子是正态总体的参数估计问题。如果xi∼N(μ,σ2),如何估计μ和...
1.Matrix algorithm of this paper is given by defining rowsand columns transformation in the sense ofgeneralized inverse for matrixces.本文给出了一个计算二元矩阵分叉连分式插值的系数算法以及与此算法等价的矩阵算法,这种算法是用矩阵广义逆意义下定义的矩阵行、列初等变换而给出的。
4) reflexive g-inverse 自反广义逆 1. In this article we study the relations among D 1, D 2, D 3, D 4 , which are in the reflexive g-inverse matrix M - r=D 1D 2 D 3D 4 of the bordered matrix M=AB C0. 该文研究加边矩阵M =ABC 0的自反广义逆M-r =D1D2D3 D4中的子...
On the generalized inverse of matrices over a semiring; 关于半环上矩阵的广义逆 更多例句>> 4) generalized inverses 广义逆 1. The uniqueness for generalized inverses of morphism of different types is also shown in the paper. 研究了态射方程αxβ=γ的解,并且给出了态射方程αxβ=γ有惟一解...