Factors Affecting The Performance Of The Grade 11 Students In General Mathematics During The Modular Distance Learning ModalityMetante, Jude Thaddeus M.Luebbeke, Mardy S.Sere, Melody M.Manguilimotan, Ramil P.Padillo, Gengen G.Journal of Positive School Psychology...
Making collaborative learning happen during a pandemic raised concerns and doubts among educators, given that learning during these trying times emphasized the importance of cooperating, corroborating, and interacting, particularly on subjects that were thought to be difficult, such as mathematics. The unc...
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reply mentor february 14, 2020 at 2:56 pm in mathematics, a differential equation is an equation that contains one or more functions with its derivatives. the derivatives of the function define the rate of change of a function at a point. it is mainly used in fields such as physics, ...
Illinois Mathematics League Indiana Mathematics League Maryland Mathematics League Math League Press Math League Press Participating States: Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina, So...
Ziqiang Xin, Xu Chen& Li Zhang 6972Accesses Explore all metrics Abstract The present study aimed to explore gender differences in, and the effects of, self-esteem on math anxiety. A total of 751 (450 young women) junior and senior high school students (12–18 years-old) from China were ...
Only when used in the contexts of mathematics and machine languages as variables or in marketing as a trademark is it proper to use lowercase letters and punctuation like that, and even then it is done to intentionally distinguish a special use of the word apart from every...
This paper represents standardization of teaching mathematics to the first grade of general programme secondary school. Standards are classified into three levels: sufficient, middle and high level. Sufficient standard represents the lowest level of students' achievements. That i...
Mr Halliwell holds a BA in Mathematics and Mechanical Engineering and an MBA specialising in external environment and strategic management from the Open University. Martin Halliwell is a member of the Board of SES ASTRA and of O3b Networks. Mr Ferdinand Kayser Born July 4, 1958, and appointed ...
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