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Enhance your math lesson with this advanced algebra and functions template for Google Slides and PowerPoint. An excellent way to teach your students!
The central objective was to investigate the mathematical discourses of Grade 11 learners related to the word, algebraic and graphic representations of asymptotes of the hyperbola and exponential functions. Commognition and social learning theories were referred to, with particular emphasis on the ...
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Although the advanced mathematics such as differential equation was taught in the early period, but this department repeated the revision of curriculum several times for the difficulty of this subject itself, and was unwillingly closed after... 根生 - 《Journal for Historical Studies in Mathematics ...
Learners deal with more applications of mathematics in their lives with grasped concepts and procedures from learning linear equations, functions, and Pythagorean Theorem. Linear equations and its graph can solve linear relationships of two variables such as the connection of demand and supply of good...
Twinning two mathematics teachers teaching Grade 11 Algebra: a strategy for change in practice 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 5 作者: S Makgakga 摘要: PhD (Mathematics, Science and Technology Education), North-West University, Mafikeng Campus, 2016 年份: 2016 收藏 引用 批量引用 ...