Protein and peptide lettersL Liu,XZ Hu,XX Liu,Y Wang,SB Li.Predicting protein fold types by the general form of Chou’s pseudo amino acid composition: approached from optimal feature extractions. Protein and Peptide Letters . 2012Liu, L.; Hu, X.-Z.; Liu, X.-X.; Wang, Y.; Li, ...
ARTICLES General Mitochondrial Trifunctional Protein (TFP) Deficiency as a Result of Either ␣- or -Subunit Mutations Exhibits Similar Phenotypes Because Mutations in Either Subunit Alter TFP Complex Expression and Subunit Turnover UTE SPIEKERKOETTER, ZAZA KHUCHUA, ZOU YUE, MICHAEL J. BENNETT, ...
Here, a new, general, protein unfolding-chemical coupling (PNC) strategy is developed to fabricate pure protein hydrogels without any additives to achieve both high mechanical strength and excellent cell biocompatibility. This PNC strategy combines thermal-induced protein unfolding/gelation to form a ...
to predict of protein subchloroplast 1ocations.Recently,D u et a1.1 20 1 llave used the pseudo—amino acid composit ion f P seA AC ) to predict subchloroplast locations of proteins and dev eloped a server,called SubChlo.0 verall accuracy (OA ) of ack— ...
In vitro protein folding is a complex process which often results in protein aggregation, low yields and low specific activity. Here we report the use of nanoscale exoshells (tES) to provide complementary nanoenvironments for the folding and release of 1
“A deficiency disease based on some mysterious element of animal protein missing in corn? Hardly. There has to be a pathogen at work, though it remains to be discovered.” Perhaps the microorganism was carried by insects, as with yellow fever and malaria. The Italian-born British physician ...
These factors are recruited onto the promoter of genes in an ordered stepwise fashion, forming the preinitiation complex (Buratowski et al., 1989; Van Dyke et al., 1988). The initial step of this process is the binding of TFIID (a multi-protein complex consisting of TATA-binding protein (...
Part I introduces the subject of discovery, defines the scope of our work, and discusses some of the issues that have surrounded and still surround our topic. Parts II and III contain the main body of our results, largely in the form of accounts of the performance of computer programs that...
1.An indication of a disorder or disease, especially a subjective one such as pain, nausea, or weakness. 2.A characteristic sign or indication of the existence of something else:drought and erratic rainfall as symptoms of climate change. ...
Natural evolution must explore a vast landscape of possible sequences for desirable yet rare mutations, suggesting that learning from natural evolutionary strategies could guide artificial evolution. Here we report that general protein language models ca