Chapter 1: The Foundations of Chemistry 1.1 Basic Concepts 1.2 Gases, Liquids and Solutions 1.3 Errors and Significant Digits Chapter 2: Atomic Structure and the Periodic Properties of Elements 2.1 The Law of the Motion of Microscopic Particles ...
It now contains brief, but accurate, accounts of numerous modern physico-chemical topics, such as photochemistry, the Raman effect, atomic structure and valency (Chapter xxiii), activity theory of electrolytes and pH. values. The industrial sections have also been revised and amplified to take ...
Ch 7. Atomic Structure in Chemistry Ch 8. Waves Overview Ch 9. Waves & the Electromagnetic Spectrum Ch 10. Electronic Structure Overview Ch 11. Types of Elements Ch 12. Chemical Bonding & Compounds Ch 13. Intermolecular Forces & Bonding ...
Molecular Structure and Polarity Videos: Molecular Chemistry and VSEPR Theory Unit 9: Advanced Theories of Covalent Bonding Introduction to Advanced Theories of Covalent Bonding Valence Bond Theory Hybrid Atomic Orbitals Multiple Bonds Molecular Orbital Theory ...
When it was first published, this first-year chemistry text revolutionized the teaching of chemistry by presenting it in terms of unifying principles instead of as a body of unrelated facts. Those principles included modern theories of atomic and molecular structure, quantum mechanics, statistical mech...
and molecules; chemical bonding, periodic table of elements; electronic structure of atoms and molecules; correlation with the chemical reactivity of common elements, inorganic and organic compounds. Overall, the general chemistry, as a significant course, helps the students to enter the chemistry ...
list of techniques, and detailed lab intros and step by step procedures. Beran also integrates numerous Dry Labs, experiments that do not involve chemicals but reinforce the reader's knowledge of general chemistry topics such as nomenclature, oxidation numbers, and atomic and molecular structure. ...
普通化学(全英文)教学大纲 Syllabus for General Chemistry (I) Class Webpage: ..
《General Chemistry-基础化学》是2012年11月高等教育出版社出版的图书,作者是赵明。内容简介 《基础化学(英文版)》以英文的形式介绍了化学的基础知识,内容涉及溶液理论、酸碱平衡理论、重量分析法、滴定分析法、酸碱滴定法、非水滴定法、配位滴定法、沉淀滴定法、氧化还原滴定、比色分析及分光光度法、物质结构基础...