西北大学精品课程·重点课程·学科核心课程 --- 无机化学与化学分析 11 Chapter 1 Atomic Structure and Periodic Table of Elements 教学要求 1. 初步了解原子核外电子运动的近代概念、原子能级、波粒二象性、原子轨道(波函数)和电子云概念。 2. 熟悉四个量子数对核外电子运动状态的描述,掌握四个量子数的物理意义...
1、第五章 原子结构与元素周期表Atomic Structureandthe Periodic Table of Elements1微观粒子的波粒二象性氢原子光谱与玻尔理论波函数和原子轨道几率密度和电子云主量子数 n角量子数 l磁量子数 m自旋量子数 ms四个量子数径向分布函数和角度分布图屏蔽效应和钻穿效应多电子原子的原子轨道能级基态原子的电子排布原子...
CHAPTER 1 - Atomic Structure of Surfaces CHAPTER 2 - Electronic Structure of Surfaces CHAPTER 3 - Surface Tension CHAPTER 4 - Thermodynamics of One-component Systems CHAPTER 5 - Thermodynamics of Multicomponent Systems CHAPTER 6 - Surface Mobility PART II: Gas-Surface Interactions PART III: Energetic...
In the later developments of the atomic theory by de Broglie, Schrodinger, and Heisenberg, it was realized that the classical laws of particle dynamics could not be applied to fundamental particles.Modern Physical Metallurgy and Materials EngineeringSmallman, R.E...
AtomicStructureandPeriodicLawAtomicStructureandPeriodicLaw FZJG16 2015年2月20日9时0分 原子结构的认识原子结构的认识历程历程 ••公元前公元前55世纪,希腊哲学家世纪,希腊哲学家DemocritusDemocritus的古原子说的古原子说一切事物一切事物 由原子和虚空组成。“由原子和虚空组成。“atomos‖atomos‖——不可分割,...
Chapter 2 Atomic Structure 1 1. Thomson’s atomic model: 1894 – 1897: Discovery of the electron ATOMS ARE NOT ELEMENTARY Thomson’s atomic model: J.J. Thomson Electrically charged s
2、mple of Technologies 1.Atomic Structure Diamond edge of cutting tools Atomic Arrangements: Lead-zirconium-titanate Long-Range Order Pb(Zrx Ti1-x )O3 or PZT (LRO) gas igniters Atomic Arrangements: Amorphous silica - fiber Short-Range Order optical communications (SRO) industry,Levels of Struct...
chapter_2_Atomic_Structure_and_Interztomic_BondingChapter 2 Atomic Structure and Interatomic Bonding (1)Give the electron configurations for the following ions:P5+, P3-, Sn4+, Se2-, I-and Ni2+. (2)Potassium iodide (KI) exhibits predominantly ionic bonding. The K+and I-ions have electron ...
1.Chapter 1-Atomic Structure(1) 16812021-04 查看更多 猜你喜欢 2734 4.草部 by:咪奇熊童书 1048 4.易经 by:咪奇熊童书 2214 PPT-Chapter1 by:HarryYU 728 《Chapter1》 by:不是思肄 441 4.心态篇 by:咪奇熊童书 735 4.恐怖谷 by:咪奇熊童书 686 Another Chapter-Strap by:嘻哈有态度 140 ...
1.2 structure of covalent compounds 本小节通过原子理论(atomic theory)来解释分子的结构。描述分子结构的参数有以下几点: 首先是键长(bond length):所有双原子分子的结构都只需要键长描述。描述键长的单位通常由Å表示。1Å = 10^-10m = 100pm. 键长的规律可分为两种 ...