其中,基因表达式编程(Gene Expression Programming,简称GEP)是一种基于进化算法的符号回归方法,通过演化生成可以解决复杂问题的数学模型。本文将介绍基因表达式编程的基本原理、操作步骤以及应用领域。 基因表达式编程的基本原理 基因表达式编程是由Cândida Ferreira于1992年提出的一种进化算法。它基于基因表达式的概念,将问题...
基因表达式编程(Gene Expression Programming,GEP) 前言 该算法旨在在一组数据点中,用基因表达式编程的方法,根据基因遗传定律,物竞天择、优者生存,劣者淘汰的思想,不断进化种群,找出适宜度最高的染色体来模拟出数据点之间所存在的数学表达式关系。通常该算法用来解决符号回归问题:符号回归(Symbolic Regression)作为一种一种...
1. 基因表达式编程 举例说明,我们在文献[2]中,用基因表达式编程(Gene Expression Programming)的方法,从太阳黑子1860-1980年的数据数 … blog.sina.com.cn|基于17个网页 2. 基于基因表达式编程 ...面的研究刚刚起步,文献[7, 8]中分别提出一种基于基因表达式编程(Gene Expression Programming)和支持向量机对社团 ...
Gene expression programming, a genome/phenome genetic algorithm (linear and non-linear), is presented here for the first time as a new technique for creation of computer programs. Gene expression programming uses character linear chromosomes composed of genes structurally organised in a head and a ...
gene expression programming, an artificial genotype/phenotype system, not only allows the existence of non-coding regions in the genome where neutral mutations can accumu- late but also allows the controlled manipulation of both the number and the extent of these ...
Gene expression programming can be used to create many different types of models including decision trees, neural networks, and polynomial constructs.
systems are condemned to have one of two limitations: ifthey are easy to manipulate genetically, they lose in func-tional complexity (the case of GAs); if they exhibit a certainGene Expression Programming: A New AdaptiveAlgorithm for Solving ProblemsCândida Ferreira†Departamento de Ciências ...
基因表达式编程(GeneExpressionProgramming,GEP)前⾔ 该算法旨在在⼀组数据点中,⽤基因表达式编程的⽅法,根据基因遗传定律,物竞天择、优者⽣存,劣者淘汰的思想,不断进化种群,找出适宜度最⾼的染⾊体来模拟出数据点之间所存在的数学表达式关系。通常该算法⽤来解决符号回归问题:符号回归(Symbolic ...
Mixing rule plays a significant role in the prediction of resultant viscosity of asphalt/oil blends. This work presents a novel gene expression programming (GEP)-based approach to obtain a viscosity-mixing rule. To develop these expressions, two distinct binary blends comprising of varying proportion...
This book describes the basic ideas of gene expression programming (GEP) and numerous modifications to this powerful new algorithm. It provides all the implementation details of GEP so that anyone with elementary programming skills will be able to implement it themselves. The book includes a self-...