其中,基因表达式编程(Gene Expression Programming,简称GEP)是一种基于进化算法的符号回归方法,通过演化生成可以解决复杂问题的数学模型。本文将介绍基因表达式编程的基本原理、操作步骤以及应用领域。 基因表达式编程的基本原理 基因表达式编程是由Cândida Ferreira于1992年提出的一种进化算法。它基于基因表达式的概念,将问题...
Python 3.6 and afterwards DEAP, which should be installed automatically if you haven't got it when installinggeppy. [optional] To visualize the expression tree using thegeppy.export_expression_treemethod, you need thegraphvizmodule. [optional] Since GEP/GP doesn't simplify the expressions during ...
PythonPyTorchScour depth predictionDimensional analysis approach was used to represent the influence of parameters on scour depth.Artificial neural networks based PyTorch was used to predict the local scour depth around bridge piers.Gene expression programming (GEP) and Non-linear regression (NLR) were ...
GECNAV (Gene Expression-based CNA Validator) is a Python 3.7 software package that validates CNAs using gene and miRNA expression data from the TCGA PanCanAtlas (https://gdc.cancer.gov/about-data/publications/PanCan-CellOfOrigin). Low quality samples and metastatic samples are filtered out. CNA...
Although the gene expression classifier exhibited superior predictive power compared to the DNA methylation classifier, both models underscore the potential of ML in enhancing diagnostic accuracy. Clinical outcome (Risk) prediction Risk prediction is a vital ML application in the multi-omics analysis of ...
Sleep deprivation has far-reaching consequences on the brain and behavior, impacting memory, attention, and metabolism. Previous research has focused on gene expression changes in individual brain regions, such as the hippocampus or cortex. Therefore, it
During activation, T cells undergo extensive gene expression changes that shape the properties of cells to exert their effector function. Understanding the regulation of this process could help explain how genetic variants predispose to immune diseases.
HuR/ELAV1, a ubiquitous RNA-binding protein, belongs to the RNA-binding protein family and is crucial for stabilizing and regulating the translation of various mRNA targets, influencing gene expression. Elevated HuR levels are associated with multiple di
The progress in mapping RNA-protein and RNA-RNA interactions at the transcriptome-wide level paves the way to decipher possible combinatorial patterns embedded in post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression. Here we propose an innovative computati
The Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis exhibits complex spatial and temporal gene expression signals. Although optogenetic tools are ideal for studying such processes, none has been engineered for this organism. Here, we port a cyanobacterial ligh