For viral vector-based gene therapy, the transgene is packaged into a viral capsid, thus facilitating the delivery into the target cells. Most commonly, viral vectors used in inner ear gene therapy are based on adenoviruses, adeno-associated viruses (AAVs), or lentiviruses (LVs). These vectors...
Clinically, nucleic acids have already been utilized for prenatal diagnostic testing, and numerous candidate tests are emerging for a variety of disease states. These biomarkers typically fall into four main categories: DNA, mRNA, microRNA (miRNA), and long noncoding RNA (lncRNA). mRNA markers ...
Between the ages of 4.3 years and 13.3 years, there was an increase in pure-tone average (PTA) of 5 dB for the right ear and 8 dB for the left ear. PTA0.5–4K was 41.25 and 38.75 in the right and left ears, respectively, at age 4. Most recent audiometric testing showed PTA of...
Xpert(®) MTB/RIF for point-of- 13 Marlowe EM, Novak-Weekley SM, Cumpio J, et al. Evaluation care diagnosis of TB in high HIV burden, resource-1imited countries:hype of the Cepheid Xpert MTB/RIF assay for direct detection of or hope?[J]. Expert Rev Mol Diagn,2010,10(7):937-...
Diagnosis relies on clinical presentation, spinal imaging, and microbiological testing from lesion biopsy [19].Therapy includes TB treatment, immobilization, and spinal surgery in selected patients [20]. Fig. 1 Pie chart depicting the proportions of different manifestations of tuberculosis (TB) Full ...
Belgian expert consensus for tumor-agnostic treatment of NTRK gene fusion-driven solid tumors with larotrectinib - ScienceDirectAhmad Awada a Person EnvelopeThierry Berghmans bPaul M. Clement cKristof Cuppens dBram De Wilde eJean-Pascal Machiels f...
[56,57,58,59]. As a result, these cells are currently widely used for high-throughput hepatotoxicity screening [60,61,62] and even transcriptomic compound toxicity research [63,64]. HLCs also serve as tools for repeated dose testing of single or combination drugs, such as rifampicin and/or...
To search for previous causal evidence of germline mutations in associated genes, we queried ClinVar, Genetic Home Reference, and MalaCards databases—the last two being an expert-curated gene-disease database and an aggregation database of 68 data sources, respectively. Five genes were implicated ...
We only computed the associations if they had at least three positive instances of the explan- atory variable (for example, for a given gene at least three cell lines had a hypomethyla- tion in that gene's promoter) and corrected for multiple testing using a false discovery rate of less...
In this regard, CRANE provides an efficient tool for hypothesis testing inference on differential community structures in GRNs. A fourth method, MONSTER [28], treats the transition between related biological states as one in which a first network is subject to a regulatory transition that involves...