While we’d still recommend a “fill in the blank” answer option here, the wording of the question is more flexible than the first version and may lay the groundwork for a more inclusive survey experience. Include self-describe answer options We really can’t overstate the power of those...
For example, the placement of a question within the body of a survey can affect comprehension and probability of response. Using the two-step approach to collect data on sex and gender, some transgender respondents may prefer questions about their current gender identity prior to questions about ...
Additionally, research indicates that gay and lesbian adults have higher educational attainment than the US adult population, while bisexual adults have less (Herek et al., 2010; Pew Research Center, 2013), leaving open the question of whether their differential education levels translate to better...
Gender Beliefs Measurement. How a Slightly Different Wording of the Same Question Changes the Storyattitudes towards gender rolesmeasurementvalue surveyswordingSlightly different wordings are known to introduce important differences in the way people understand and answer survey questions and, moreover, in ...
You can abstain, or simply not vote at all despite being in the room. On the CNC, currently, you can hide what you really think, speaking one way and voting the other, because nobody will be able to find out your vote. A simple question: is that right?
Whether or not it is appropriate and relevant to ask participants about a dimension of sexual orientation depends on the context and research question. For example, during a consult with their GP, patients may be more aware of their sexual behavior influencing their health, and they more readily...
Bringing these aspects together, this paper focuses on the gender overeducation gap for partnered employees in the digital age, posing the research question of whether the WfH option may help in closing the gender overeducation gap. We focus on the German labour market, where in despite of the...
To measure risk preferences, we use the general risk question which was only asked in Wave 18 of the BHPS. The exact wording is: ‘Are you generally a person who is fully prepared to take risks or do you try to avoid taking risks? Please tick a box on the scale, where the value 1...
Nonresponse to a question on self-identified sexual orientation in a public health survey and its relationship to race and ethnicity. Am J Public Health. 2013;103(1):67-69.Google ScholarCrossref 33. Cahill S, Singal R, Grasso C, King D, Mayer K. Do ask, do tell: high levels of ...
In our survey of the marketing materials offered by AI hiring firms, we identified four key claims made by AI hiring companies: (1) their tools remove bias from the hiring process, providing a more objective and neutral assessment of candidates; (2) AI-powered hiring will promote the recruitm...