Don’t combine sexual orientation and gender identity questions For many years, the Gallup tracking survey asked this yes/no question: “Do you personally identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender?” While this may have provided a broad estimate of LGBTQ+ individuals, it systematically ...
You would want respondents belonging to this targeted age group, so the question you should ask should be – “Which age group do you belong to currently?” You can add ethnicity, race, gender to the survey if you want such information. *Note:When forming demographic questions about ethnicity...
Pritchard, J., Masters, K., Allen, J., Contenta, F., Huckvale, L., Wilkins, S. and Zocchi, A., "Asking gender questions: Results from a survey of gender and question asking among UK Astronomers at NAM2014", Astronomy and Geophysics, 2014, 55, 6.8 - 6.12...
But what exactly makes a question “sensitive” and how should you think about these questions? Sensitive questions often have to do with demographic data like sexual orientation and gender identity, race, or even income. Demographic questions can be valuable when you’re looking to understand the...
Your in-app survey popup can be as simple as a single question or more detailed with multiple questions. But hitting the sweet spot with your timing is what will get the job done. 2. Match the Look & Feel of Your Brand Your in-app surveys should be a part of your application’s UI...
Survey question: “How satisfied are you with your recent experience with our company/product/service?” (usually on a scale from 1 to 5 or 1 to 7).3. Customer Effort Score (CES)CES assesses the ease of a customer’s experience with a particular task, such as resolving an issue or ...
Following broad agreement among APs, draft 2 was posted on the EMIS website in mid-January 2010. The Network was asked to provide feedback within 4 weeks on: the length; the balance of question topics; the acceptability of questions for specific countries and clarity of the (English) wording...
Participants’ gender was asked at the start of the survey, possibly increasing their attentiveness to gender-related questions and thus leading to a potential question order bias. Answering the question on self-perceived knowledge of SGBM, was subjective and no objective testing of the knowledge ...
For example, look at question 1 and 2. The difference between the two is that the first one returns the volume, whereas in the second one we can look at the volume relating to a particular satisfaction score. If something is very common, it may not affect the score. But if, for examp...
The global landscape of AI ethics guidelines. Anna Jobin et al. Nature Machine Intelligence, 2019. [paper] Persistent Anti-Muslim Bias in Large Language Models. Abubakar Abid et al. AIES, 2021. [paper] Toward Gender-Inclusive Coreference Resolution. Yang Trista Cao et al. ACL, 2020. [paper...