Gender inequality and gender differences in authoritarianism. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 38 (10): 1301-1315.Brandt, M. J. & Henry, P. J. (2012). Gender inequality and gender differences in authoritar- ianism. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38(10), 1301-1315. ...
Results show that the threats of stigma for women are not uniform across different cultures and that the degree of stigma is related to the degree of endorsement of psychologically protective attitudes such as authoritarianism. 展开 关键词: authoritarianism gender differences gender inequality stigma ...
HERSHATTER, GAIL.1991. "Prostitution and the Market in Women in Early Twentieth-Century Shanghai." In R. Watson and Ebrey eds. 1991. Marriage and Inequality in Chinese Society. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. HERSHATTER, GAIL.1992a. "Courtesans and Streetwalkers: The ...
… The most persistent of these [issues] has been gender disparity, despite a relentless struggle to equalize opportunities between women and men. The unfinished agenda for change is considerable. History is likely to judge the progress in the 21st century by one major yardstick: is there a gro...
Genderdifferencesareeasytoproducegenderdiscriminationandgenderinequality.Toeliminategenderdiscrimination,itisboundtofindoutthereasonsforgenderdifferences.Western classicalfeministsbelievethattheformationofunequalgenderrelationshasgonethroughthree stages oftransition. First,fromthephysicaldifferences tosocialdifferences,thensocial...
Gender differences are easy to produce gender discrimination and gender inequality. To eliminate gender discrimination, it is bound to find out the reasons for gender differences. Western classical feminists believe that the formation of unequal gender relations has gone through three stages of transition...
the neural basis of sex differences in sexual behavior a quantitative meta-analysis(性行为性别差异的神经基础--数量荟萃分析) 热度: Genderdifferencesininterculturalbusinesscommunication Abstract:AccordingtothelatestresearchintheUnitedStatesofAmerica,menandwomentalk ...
Theoretical analyses of gender's effects in interaction, in turn, are necessary to understand how such effects might be implicated with individual-level and social structural-level processes in the larger system of gender inequality. Despite other differences, the contributors to this book all take ...
Originality/value - The paper usefully shows how, especially in times of a global crisis, the role played by inequality and exclusion in women's entrepreneurial inferiority has important implications; such as the need to create special funds for women and the importance of establishing social and ...
工作中的性别歧视 Gender Inequality and Discrimination In The Workplace • AlthoughthereareregulationswithintheworkplacethereisstilldiscriminationWomenarefacingdiscriminationintheirincome,unemploymentandoccupationaldistribution Women’ssalariesaverageonly72-88%tomen’ssalaries • • • Theratioofwomen’smedian...