They're only 9 years old, but these girls and boys from around the world offer keen insight into how gender shapes destiny.
How would the existing explana- tions of the rarity of women in the Big Four change if we consider language? In this section, we address this question by revisiting the existing explanations from gender in accountancy as sum- marized in Dambrin and Lambert (2012). Dambrin and Lambert (...
The existing research on gender inequality has established that important variations exist across time and place and that these differences are partly attributable to the cultural differences regarding gender roles. The accounting research has also established that women are rarely promoted to the top of...
Economic factors influence long and short-run self-employment for men and women.Unemployment only raises self-employment rates for men in the long-run.Self-employment to employee earnings ratios only affects women in the long-run but men and women in the short-run.GDP and house prices have a...
What social problems do gender inequality cause? How does income affect physical development? What problems can cultural conflicts cause? How socioeconomic status affects child development What are the problems in the Indian education system? What are the effects of drug addiction on our society...
We then tested whether our results were robust to changes in the gender composition of the dependent variable. In the original models we use male suicide rate. This is because qualitative accounts overwhelmingly characterise farmers’ suicide as a phenomenon that affects male farmers who are generally...
We then tested whether our results were robust to changes in the gender composition of the dependent variable. In the original models we use male suicide rate. This is because qualitative accounts overwhelmingly characterise farmers’ suicide as a phenomenon that affects male farmers who are generally...
7. Macrolevel structures are of importance for how labour market position cause poor health. 8. Unequal gender relations at work impacts negatively on mental health. 9. The agency to improve health over life in dyadic relations. Unemployment in society permeates from the macrolevel into the exo...