Greekgender is a xenogender identity which describes someone who identifies with, or feels a strong connection to, someone known in greek mythology, such as gods. Greekgender was coined on March 31st, 2023, by NightsetRosewall on the Gender wiki. The Gre
This latter group, for whom gender identity becomes a self-aware issue typically by the age of 7 may on average stay hidden till coming out in their 40s. If families, partners, media and society were more accepting, less judgemental and ridiculing, then I am quite sure more would be out ...
Gender identity is complex, which means that pronoun usage can also be complex. But there is one fairly simple rule when it comes to pronoun usage: The right pronoun to use for another person is whichever pronoun (or pronouns) that person wants you to use. Using the correct pronouns for...
“Transmedicalist “Truscum” “HBSer” (“Harry Benjamin Syndrome”) Tomboy “Tomboy” is acontroversial termfor a masculine girl Sissy “Sissy” is acontroversial termfor a feminine boy It is also an erotic identity involving interest in feminization ...
I will not be mad if you forgetand I am happy to answer questions if anyone has them. I’m hoping you willaccept me as I am and do your best to respect my identity. This shouldn’t be a huge shock to my friends If you know me well, this information is probably both news and ...
“encourages the use of violence to avenge a perceived challenge to their masculine identity”. Further, they note, emasculation is the primary source of, even synonymous with, boys’ feelings of shame and humiliation. Gender becomes particularly salient for boys as they move into adolescence. ...
After age three, core gender identity is extremely difficult to change, and attempts to reassign it can result in gender dysphoria. 三歲以後,核心的性別認同改變是非常困難的,並且無法修改指定性別可能會導致性別不安。 LASER-wikipedia2 Human Rights Watch calls upon the Ministry of Health to immedia...
A very very incomplete list would be: considerations about grooming to match your gender identity, considerations about grooming to satisfy people policing your gender identity, minimising grooming in order to preserve your spoons, grooming to honour and be part of your ethnic identity, grooming to ...
Another concern raised is that if re-enforces an assumption made by some cis people that gay men want to be women. I feel what this movie explores more specifically, and the writer has stated it was inspired by his own experiences growing up and exploring his sexual identity, is a much ...
The Gender, Sex, and Sexual Orientation (GSSO) ontology is an ontology which includes a vast amount of information related to gender identity, gender expression, romantic identity, sexual identity, sexual orientation, sexual behavior, sexual abuse, and various related topics. Its emphasis is on a...