Once more, people from all ages, gender identities, and walks of life are battling to try and prove they have that perfect blend of strength, agility, speed, endurance, and willpower. all hoping to be the last one standing (and bagging the show's impressive cash prize). Impressively, one...
Previously, we published an analysis of 149 genomes of 78 different species isolated from the female bladder [14]. Several of the taxa found within the bladder microbiota are also inhabitants of the vaginal microbiota [14,21,22]. This led us to posit that the bacterial communities of these t...
See Table 1 for detailed data on gender identities. Due to the small number of participants identifying with a gender other than cis/trans male/female, we decided not to add an additional dummy for this group. However, when including these participants and adding a second dummy variable to th...
Public responses to identity disclosure on social media are varied and can lead to both positive support and negative backlash. Several studies have studied the effects of harmful and offensive messages targeted to minority groups or marginalized identities, including but not limited to gender [19,38...
Gender identityrefers to a person’s innermost concept of themselves as male, female, non-binary, agender, and a diversity of identities that can be the same or different from one’s physical sex [97]. Indeed, gender identity is not always binary (girl/woman, boy/man) or fixed [98]. ...
Transgender and gender expansive (TGE) youth often seek a variety of gender-affirming healthcare services, including pubertal suppression and hormone therapy requiring that TGE youth and their parents participate in informed consent and decision making. While youth must demonstrate the ability to understa...
Hey, fellow straight white guys—here’s how to use pronouns to be a better ally (and boost your own freedom & self-knowledge at the same time)This is a gentle, non-political introduction to the why and how of pronouns and how to approach the complexities of gender today. ...
representing one mouse. Statistics by Kruskal–Wallis test forAandB, followed by Dunn’s multiple comparisons tests provided in Additional file9: Table S10. Bray–Curtis comparisons between each group are provided in Additional file9: Table S11. A full list of taxon abundancies in E are ...
(LAC), illustrating the urgent need for South-South knowledge exchange and institutional alliances to understand better the diversity of transport needs, preferences, behaviours and rationales, as well as their intersections with the multitude of social identities of urban residents and strengthen ...
Schools were randomized to three conditions of two active interventions and a waiting list control condition. Students, their parents, and teachers in intervention and control schools participated in the study at baseline before the interventions, after the interventions, and at 6 to 12 months after...