The following section devoted to introducing gender indicators from an economic perspective. This distinguishes gender parity, gender equality, and gender mainstreaming indicators, pointing out key databases to extract and analyse them, and the importance of doing so. The chapter then considers gender in...
Within the framework of the Etorkizuna Eraikiz Project for equality on boards of directors and the promotion of the work/life balance of the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council (2020–2021) by Ana Lasa Somocurzio, there is a “Proposal for indicators to assess the application of the Code of Good P...
leaves is an example of a moderate equality-promoting policy. In their proposal, six months of parental leave allowances are provided separately to men and to women which cannot be shared. This “use it or lose it” feature creates active incentives for men to take more leave than they woul...
According to the Global Gender Gap Report 20201, it will take another 100 years to achieve gender equality based on the current rate of progress. This prediction has been widely used as a shock therapy to push governments, NGOs, associations, investors and companies into action. In the...
(2006). Gender research in Africa into ICTs for empowerment, IICBA Newsletter UNESCO 8(2).Buskens, I., Esterhuysen, A., & Radloff, J. (2004). GRACE: Gender Research in Africa into ICTs for Empowerment, project proposal
‘Gendered Innovations’ integrate sex and gender analysis into all phases of basic and applied research to stimulate new knowledge and technologies. In so doing, Gendered Innovations enhance creativity, innovation, and gender equality. This paper report
current debate on gender diversity quotas by showing the positive assessment that the markets have made of the EU agreement on board gender quotas and the perceived corrective capacity of this rule in countries and companies that have fallen short in their efforts to achieve board gender equality....
Future research questions should focus on the impact that earning money through mining has on gender equality and women's empowerment in the camps and whether women do have more freedom to choose; whether or not the more regular (though still variable) income from mining might contribute to ...
2022. Reimagining gender through equality law: What legal thoughtways do religion and disability offer? Feminist Legal Studies 30 (2): 129–155. Article Google Scholar Renz, Flora. 2020. (De)regulating Trans Identities. In Ashford, Chris and Alexander Maine (eds.) Research Handbook on Gender...
'Gender Equality in the Universal and Regional Human Rights Systems: Prohibition of Discrimination and Beyond' published in 'Gender Equality'