You might find these chapters and articles relevant to this topic. Gender and women in scientific literature on bioeconomy: A systematic review AlexiaSanz-HernándezPaulaJiménez-CaballeroIreneZarauz, inForest Policy and Economics, 2022 3.3.2Gender equality as a goal and a just policy ...
首先是性别平等议题👇 老邝谈到自己在hk的时候就已经注意到泰国在gender equality这方面的发展了。十二年前她才离开香港来到泰国,那会儿泰国的gender equality虽然有所发展,但也没有到现在这种程度。这不就说明她多多少少有主动关注过这方面的消息? 插播一条关于trans的信息👇 据幸运粉丝Ann透露,老邝本人对trans群...
While international organizations like the UN and GRI have championed gender-sensitive metrics, a conspicuous deficiency remains in corporate gender disclosure.This study endeavours to nest gender equality within the expansive frameworks of Gender Diversity Management (GDM) and Gender Disclosure (GD) in ...
While international organizations like the UN and GRI have championed gender-sensitive metrics, a conspicuous deficiency remains in corporate gender disclosure.This study endeavours to nest gender equality within the expansive frameworks of Gender Diversity Management (GDM) and Gender Disclosure (GD) in ...
David H. Pickup (anti-gay conversion therapist, cofounder of National Task Force for Therapy Equality) Sandy Rios (American Family Association) Eunie Smith (Eagle Forum of Alabama) Tim Wildmon (president of American Family Association)
(2014). Making change: Nordic examples of working towards gender equality in the media. H Graf 被引量: 1发表: 2015年 Nordic journalism with gender parity and problems Molster (Ed.), Making change: Nordic examples of working towards gender equality in the media. (s. 47-51). Goteborg: ...
While signing the EPA, President Kennedy observed that “much remains to be done to achieve full equality of economic opportunity.”[124]Over fifty years later, this statement continues to ring true today.[125]The fourth exception delineated in the EPA, permitting wage differentials between sexes ...
[How fluid is the gender experience of binary vs. non-binary identified transgender youth and what are the influencing factors]? Manuscript submitted for publication. . Washington, DC: National Center for Healthcare Equality. Retrieved from
Gender has been aligned concern for sustain- ability; mainly, social sustainability demands gender equality in every activity [16, 17]. Keeping the gender lens in the energy policy can make it easier to achieve an SDG of 5 and 7. Gender participation in energy consumption plays an essential ...
Attitudeshigher educationgender equalitysexual/gender differencesThis text presents the results of the research about the attitudes on gender equality within the higher education system in Serbia. The research is a part of the on going project on 'The policies of gender ...