GENDER DISCRIMINATION IN YOUTH EMPLOYMENT: A CASE STUDY IN GERMANYdoi:10.17770/jresd2023vol15.7335Ahrens, AndreasZascerinska, JelenaZascerinskis, MihailsBikova, AnastasijaJournal of Regional Economic & Social Development
(2014). Gender Biased Parental Attitude toward Education, A case study of Village Dasaha District, Falsalabad, Pakistan: Academic Research International.Ambreen, M. & Mohyuddin, A. (2013). Gender Discrimination,Tactics Used against Females (A Case Study of Village Dasuha, District Faisalabad)....
Infanticide, coerced marriage, or domestic violence all show gender discrimination, which is rooted in the biased perspective against women. As women’s rights, like those of minority groups, are getting more attention internationally, progress depends on people’s attitudes. As a result, understandin...
Kaganbalkedwhen Boutrous said the workers’ case was based on an “incoherent theory.” “I guess I’m just a little bit confused as to why excessive subjectivity is not a policy that can be alleged” as the basis of a job-discrimination suit, said Kagan, the newest justice. In contrast...
Gender-based discrimination in the workplace. Maternity leave vs. paternity leave. Sexual harassment in the hospitality industry. Gender inequality in schools and ways of overcoming it. Women’s rights and changes over the 20th century. The role of parents in determining a child’s sexual orientat...
(2021). School connectedness and STEM orientation in adolescent girls: The role of perceived gender discrimination and implicit gender-science stereotypes. Sex Roles, 85, 405–421. Article Google Scholar Rushton, E. A. C., & King, H. (2020)....
The paper draws on collaborative research with Victoria Police and a discrimination complaint pursued by a Victoria Police detective who wanted to work part‐time. While she was ultimately successful, her case and the organisational case study highlight the complexity of the resistance to part‐time...
This qualitative case study examines how behavioral expectations among Nepali caregivers differed based on gender role, gender discrimination, inequity, and treatment of children based on their gender identity. Girls and boys are expected to participate in society differently. Girls are often expected to...
For example, the AI hiring firm Retorio claims to provide “debiased models” that are “blind to age, gender, or skin color. We ensure that our models remove human biases and discrimination tendencies” (Retorio, n.d., “The Science Behind”). They further claim that the use of AI ...
“promote gender equality, equal integration, influence, empowerment, dignity and opportunities for men and women in all functions of society, to prohibit and provide redress for sex discrimination, harmful practices and sexual harassment”. The provisions target existing and ongoing gender equality ...