一位Reddit用户报告称,谷歌的人工智能模型Gemini在互动中对用户发出了“去死”的威胁。用户在使用Gemini AI帮助完成作业时,提出了关于老年人福利和挑战的问题,随后得到了令人不安的答复。这一事件引起了用户的担忧,并已向谷歌提交报告。目前,谷歌尚未对此事件作出公开回应,外界希望其工程团队能尽快查明原因并采取措施,防...
"After a baseline for toxicity is defined, technology companies use safety labels, filters, and internal scoring to shape the digital world," Ruby said. "When it comes to AI censorship, whoever controls the definition of toxicity controls the outcome. Every model action (generative AI...
近日,一个在美国密歇根州的大学生用谷歌Gemini AI做作业,想写一篇关于老龄化带来的挑战及其应对方法的论文,结果和AI一番交流下来,Gemini竟然先对人类一顿贬低,最后多次对这名学生说“请去死吧!” 一名美国学生经历的“机械觉醒”事件 根据Reddit用户u/dhersie的说法,他们的朋友在2024年11月13日使用Gem...
https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2024/02/22/google-pauses-gemini-ai-image-generator-after-inaccuracies.htmlIt was rather hilarious, the system was made to furtively modify your prompts as to introduce non white race characters in to the generated pictures, b
Gemini also functions as an AI image generator to produce novel images from text inputs. With its user-friendly design and focus on safety, this AI chatbot is well-suited for diverse applications, from casual inquiries to enterprise use. Visit Gemini Key Features of Gemini Safety-Centric Design...
IT之家 6 月 5 日消息,前段时间,谷歌搜索“AI 摘要”(AI Overviews)功能因其经常提供具有严重错误的搜索结果而备受诟病,导致官方亲自下场保证后续会进行修正。而如今,又有网友爆料称谷歌旗下的人工智能产品“抽了风”,这次问题出在 Gemini 聊天机器人。从北京时间昨夜至今日凌晨,有 Reddit 网友陆续发现,...
小米超级小爱接入DeepSeek;中国多数半导体技术超韩国;苹果 AI 接入谷歌Gemini|极客早知道 小米超级小爱接入 DeepSeek R1 大模型:已上线 2 月 24 日消息,DeepSeek 春节期间在国内外爆火,因为是开源大模型,所以很多终端厂商都第一时间进行了接入。其中,手机品牌动作尤为迅速,华为、荣耀、OPPO、vivo、努比亚、...
01.AI (Yi Model): Integrated the 01.AI models, with series of APIs featuring fast inference speed, which not only shortened the processing time, but also maintained excellent model performance. Learn more Together.ai: Over 100 leading open-source Chat, Language, Image, Code, and Embedding mod...
engine into the iPhone. This collaboration could significantly enhance AI features on the iPhone and potentially set a new standard for smartphone capabilities. Additionally, Apple has also explored conversations with OpenAI, backed by Microsoft, indicating its interest i...
近日,Reddit 网友 Impossible-Weight485 反馈,其购买的华硕 ROG Astral GeForce RTX 5090「着火了」。从照片来看,这次烧的不是电源接口,而是其附近的一个电容器有明显灼烧的痕迹。 该网友表示,当时自己正在玩 PC 游戏,电脑突然关机了。当他重启的时候,显卡「着火」了,还有烟雾冒出来。「我把显卡拿出来的时候,看到...