你不应该使用Gemba Walk来评估表现,也不应该用它来指责和批评。 一个执行良好的 Gemba Walk 会让现场团队成员觉得他们的经理正在把他们放在首位。这方面的证据是,他们每天投入几个小时进行积极的监督巡视,以便所有相关利益相关者都在场、可用。 Gemba Walk 清单问题示例 Gemba Walk 最关键的一步是通过观察和询问操作...
What questions should I ask on a Gemba walk? What's on a Gemba Walk Checklist? When should Gemba walks be conducted? Who should go on a Gemba walk? Why are Gemba Boards important? Why should I use Gemba? Free E-Book Introduction to Gemba Learn to identify wasteful practices with Gemba...
Gemba Walk checklist questions While managers need to be good listeners and ask questions as issues arise, it can also be a good idea to prepare some topics of discussion before visiting the worksite. For inspiration, the manager can look to the eight wastes of lean manufacturing: defects, ex...
Gemba Walk Checklist: Questions To Include A crucial step in every Gemba Walk Checklist is to ask the right questions. Asking the right questions helps you derive insights and discover problematic areas and inefficiencies. You can choose to use a standard Gemba Walk template or create a custom ...
计划您的 Gemba Walk为确保您的 Gemba 步行尽可能有效和富有成效,正确计划访问很重要。考虑目标和问题,以磨练您想从中得到什么。请参阅我们的最佳 Gemba walk checklist文章,了解Gemba Walk中包含的所有问题。 尊重他人尊重您的员工和他们所做的工作。当您进行 Gemba walk时,对正在发生的事情表现出真正的兴趣至关重要...
These questions will defer when exploring different areas such as: problem-solving, innovation, resources, tools and etc. So before you go Gemba, prepare your checklist carefully based on the area you want to investigate. What are the benefits of a Gemba Walk? Conducting regular Gemba walks, ...
因此,您的Gemba Walk只能针对一个或所有绩效(生产力,质量,交货时间,人员,健康和安全问题等)。这完全取决于目标: 分析 解决问题 所需资源 创新 任何其他相关目标 这将使您能够根据自己的目标定制您的Gemba Walk 清单并提出有针对性的问题。然而,Gemba Walk 并不适合解决复杂的问题。
Things To Do While on the Walk: Take your time. Observe what's going on. Engage with workers. Ask questions. Coach workers on critical thinking skills. Look for muda, mura, and muri. Identify which activities add value, which do not, and which are non-value-added but still necessary (...