Gefen creates solutions that redefine what’s possible with video distribution, including 600MHz UHD. Game-changing Solutions for Retail Environments Retail environments must accommodate many factors and people. Customers, staff, multiple displays, video formats and more. See why the world’s largest ...
Shop for Gefen . Buy products such as Gefen Ramen Noodles Oriental Style Vegetable Flavor, 3oz, Gefen 100% Clover Honey Bear, 12oz at Walmart and save.
Gefen simplifies wireless high-definition HDMI. Go wireless with Gefen wireless HDMI solutions Up to a 100 ft. range Gefen Long Range Extender for HDMI High-definition HDMI & multi-channel audio extension. Ideal for multi-room AV, second zone for home theater system, and signage. High-...
格芬 Gefen 多视点的无缝切换 无缝切换器接受四高清来源,规模和大小,每一张照片,并输出它们单独或作为一个单一的HDTV显示窗口 葛粉4x1 HDMI是多视点的无缝切换显示四高清HDTV显示内容来源的一个完美的解决方案。每一个窗口可以单独缩放和定位在屏幕上所需的。无缝切换,确保在窗口和图片转换没有帧丢失。本产品是...
格芬 Gefen DVI接口DVI光纤声光extender FM500 可靠的DVI光纤延伸——内置DVI光纤信号转换器和数据存储,都在一个小的形式因素! 的dvi-fm500扩展让你扩展你的DVI源高达5000英尺的距离采用光纤扩展方案 有吸引力的和紧凑的DVI光纤模块连接到彼此通过仅仅两LC光纤电缆股 扩展器单元符合设备安装在一个干净的 对飞的...
Unleash the power of Gefen’s EDID tool to control what EDID is passed to a secure device. The built-in EDID creation tool is a powerful application that will allow building an EDID from scratch. Instantly view and modify any EDID that is stored in a Gefen product, along with any EDID ...
Gefen was also one of the first to support 4K Ultra HD resolutions, the wireless 5 GHz standard, 3DTV and 3G SDI formats. Gefen’s commitment to supplying integrators with the most reliable, effective and forward-thinking solutions remains steadfast. As we move forward into the 21st century,...
杰芬英文名Gefen Gefen 杰芬 Gefen英文名杰芬 性别:女性 名字起源:斯堪的那维亚语 Gefen翻译成中文人名:杰芬 国外流行度: 61% 以美国为准,其它国家点查看详情 好听内涵: 94% 基于好听好写内涵评价 名字印象 : 85% 外国人85%认为是个好名字 Gefen名字怎么读: Gefen读, 真人发音: 立即起英文名...
RS-232串行控制也可以扩展每个发送者和接收者之间的单位 内置的网络服务器界面,使控制,设置和配置简单,直观 当使用多个发送者和接收者作为一个“虚拟矩阵”,你可以连接到任何人在网络上通过移动设备或电脑浏览器访问各接收单位的网页界面,或通过在IP键盘切换控制器软件使用葛粉KVM /视频(可以在www.gefen COM下载...