作品集:元素png1857张 叶子素材 1年前 加拿大国旗 旗帜 作品集:旗帜图片283张 给w爱- 5个月前 加拿大国旗 加拿大国旗枫叶 雪雁加拿大雪雁鹅(snow-geese-canadian-snow-geese-geese) 一群加拿大大雁在空中飞翔(Flock of Canadian Geese flying in air)
My ducks are all "non-flying" breeds, and so pretty much only jump up maybe two feet and fly 3-5 feet forward (I have anconas, Golden 300s and Runner Ducks). If you have one of the smaller breeds that can really fly, you might have to protect more. Ducks also pretty much ...
My ducks are all "non-flying" breeds, and so pretty much only jump up maybe two feet and fly 3-5 feet forward (I have anconas, Golden 300s and Runner Ducks). If you have one of the smaller breeds that can really fly, you might have to protect more. Ducks also pretty much ...