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Frozen geese flight in wintertime. V formation of birds flying in the red sky at night. Geese flight at sunset perfectly synchronized geese flight over field Selective focus on pair of snow geese in flight Canada geese flight formation Canadian Geese in flight over water Sunset in rural Sus...
Photo about Geese skipping across the water to take flight on a fall afternoon at the duck pond. Image of trees, geese, pond - 3674046
MountainsFlying Geese Edit image GeeseBirdsLake Edit image Free for use under the PixabayContent License 22 Save Views255 Downloads117 Mylene24011,845 followers Discover Editor's ChoiceCurated CollectionsPixabay Radio New Popular ImagesPopular VideosPopular MusicPopular Searches ...
geese 2 geeses 1 geezer 68 geiko 1 geisha 1 Geisladiskabud Valda 1 general equipment 29 gentlemen 1 genus 1 geothermal 6 geothermal area 1 geothermal pool 2 german 1 German Shepherd 1 Germany 11 geyser 2 gift 1 giftbox 1 gifts 1 Giraffa 1 giraffe 4 girl...
significantly heavier than any extant flying bird.A. incredibilispresumably became extinct at the same time as the other megafauna in North America. It is sometimes called thegiant condorbecause of its resemblance to the moderncondorsof California and South America, although it is bigger and in a...
It was our last day in Cairo before flying back to London. I had promised my son, Hadleigh, that on this trip we are going to go inside the Great Pyramid. But 10 days earlier, there was a power cut in the area, so we ended up going into some nearby tombs and riding horses. ...
古诗词赏析-塞下曲·月黑雁飞高-唐·卢纶 | 月黑雁飞高,单于夜遁逃。 欲將轻骑逐,大雪满弓刀。 —— 《塞下曲·月黑雁飞高》唐·卢纶 【译文】 死寂之夜,乌云遮月,天边大雁惊飞,单于的军队想要趁着夜色悄悄潜逃。 正想要带领轻骑兵一路追赶,大雪纷纷扬扬落满了身上的弓刀。
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Canadian Geese Geese Canadian Nature Animals Water Family Love Birds Young Lake Safety Canada Wildlife Natural Mother Cute Watch Babies Pond Protection Wild Designers also selected these stock photos Flying Canada Geese Macaroni Penguin Antarctica - Adelie Penguin ...