package文件夹,并下载drcom ODP文件夹cdpackage&&git clone返回上层目录,也就是为了回到openwrt-sdk这个目录cd..#开始编译make package/ODP/compile#编译到最后的时候,会弹出一个框#此时,通过移动键盘左右键,移到Exit,按下回车键确认#接着,通过移动键盘左右键,移到Yes ,...
GDUT-Drcom-Dialer/Drcom-Dialer.sln Go to file Copy path 35 lines (35 sloc)2.02 KB RawBlame Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00 # Visual Studio 15 VisualStudioVersion = 15.0.27703.2042 MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1 ...
:statue_of_liberty:最新可用的google hosts文件。镜像:. Contribute to GDUT-Drcom/hosts development by creating an account on GitHub.
git clone cd gdut-drcom\src # 可通过cryptlib变量指定加密库,留空表示不使用第三方库 # cryptlib=[openssl, polarssl, gcrypt] # 如 mingw32-make CC=gcc # 编译动态链接库 make dll CC=gcc
在Dr.COM下使用路由器上校园网WIFI(以广东工业大学、极路由1S HC5661A、OpenWrt为例) - Drcom-GDUT-HC5661A-OpenWrt/ at master · huanglaosi/Drcom-GDUT-HC5661A-OpenWrt
Installing gdut-drcom (1.6.8-4) to root... Configuring gdut-drcom. post install: patching patched! post install: patching patched! uci: Invalid argument uci: Invalid argument uci: Invalid argument 安装后在 “接口” 选项中找不到对应的接口
README k2-pandorabox-drcom for GDUT k2路由器pandorabox固件(内含 此版本为自己安装Dr.com和ssr插件后备份的K2路由器版本,PandoraBox版本为16.09,内核版本为3.14.79,无线性能稳定 Dr.com来自师兄chenhaowen01,原帖在此 需要的也可以自己编译About...
the official drcom client has many limitations which may disturb us a lot, for example, Network Sharing is forbidden, even though you just intend to connect wifi on your own devices. High Memory Usage. There were 3 processes kept in the background(windows version). ...
./ cat /etc/rc.local //检查自启文件是否按步骤#13的格式写入,否则进行步骤#13 安装libffi + python-mini环境,需要大概2.1~2.4M的空间,可以通过df -h查看剩余空间 (ipk包安装可能会出现兼容性问题,请浏览相关疑问中的解答) opkg install *.ipk ...
cd /tmp opkg install gdut-drcom_6.0-4_mipsel_24kc.ipk 至此,Dr.com插件安装完毕。 自己编译Drcom插件 对于没有上述对应型号路由器的广工(广东工业大学)同学,可进行以下步骤进行编译生成自己的Dr.com插件. 1.首先路由器CPU的型号,键入以下命令查看cat /proc/cpuinfo 2.然后进入OpenWrt 18.06,根据自己路由器的...