Choropleth Map Bubble Map Bubble Chart +-Projected GDP (Nominal) per capita Ranking (2025)Rank (1-10)Rank (11-20)Rank (21-30)Rank (31-40)Rank (41-50) Zoom level changed to 1
Mapped: GDP per Capita, by U.S. StateThis was originally posted on our Voronoi app. Download the app for free on iOS or Android and discover incredible data-driven charts from a variety of trusted sources.This map lists every U.S. state’s GDP per capita, with darker hues signifying a...
Germany (3,17), Canada (9,19), Australia (13,12), the Netherlands (18,11), and Switzerland (20,2) are in the top twenty lists of GDP and GDP per capita. In PPP, the United States (2,10) is present in the top ten.Choropleth Map Bubble Map Bubble Chart +-Projected GDP (...
Mapped: Visualizing GDP per Capita Worldwide View the high-resolution of the infographic by clicking here. GDP per capita has steadily risen globally over time, and in tandem, the standard of living worldwide has increased immensely. This map using data from the IMF shows the GDP per capita ...
Description:The map below shows how GDP per capita (current US$) varies by country in North America. The shade of the country corresponds to the magnitude of the indicator. The darker the shade, the higher the value. The country with the highest value in the region is United States, with...
Description:The map below shows how GDP per capita (constant LCU) varies by country in Africa. The shade of the country corresponds to the magnitude of the indicator. The darker the shade, the higher the value. The country with the highest value in the region is Somalia, with a value of...
4. gdp_per_capita:GDP(人均国内生产总值) 5. healthy_life_expectancy:健康预期寿命 6. freedom_to_life_choise:自由权 7. generosity:慷慨程度 8. year:年份 9. corruption_perceptions:清廉指数 10. social_support:社会支持(客观上物质上的援助和直接服务;主观上指个体感到在社会中被尊重、被支持和被理解的...
4. gdp_per_capita:GDP(人均国内生产总值) 5. healthy_life_expectancy:健康预期寿命 6. freedom_to_life_choise:自由权 7. generosity:慷慨程度 8. year:年份 9. corruption_perceptions:清廉指数 10. social_support:社会支持(客观上物质上的援助和直接服务;主观上指个体感到在社会中被尊重、被支持和被理解的...
1. rank:幸福指数排名2. region:国家3. happiness:幸福指数得分4. gdp_per_capita:GDP(人均国内生产总值)5. healthy_life_expectancy:健康预期寿命6. freedom_to_life_choise:自由权7. generosity:慷慨程度8. year:年份9. corruption_perceptions:清廉指数10. social_support:社会支持(客观上物质上的援助和直接服...
Just as stocks in different sectors trade at widely divergent price-to-sales ratios, different nations trade at market-cap-to-GDP ratios that are all over the map. For example, according to The World Bank, the U.S. had a market-cap-to-GDP ratio of 156.5% for 2022 (latest information)...