Germany (3,17), Canada (9,19), Australia (13,12), the Netherlands (18,11), and Switzerland (20,2) are in the top twenty lists of GDP and GDP per capita. In PPP, the United States (2,10) is present in the top ten.Choropleth Map Bubble Map Bubble Chart +-Projected GDP (...
Choropleth Map Bubble Map Bubble Chart +-Projected GDP (Nominal) per capita Ranking (2025)Rank (1-10)Rank (11-20)Rank (21-30)Rank (31-40)Rank (41-50) Zoom level changed to 1
The world GDP per capita continues to grow every year, and is projected to be$13,920for 2023 Luxembourgis the richest country with a GDP per capita of$128,820 Mapped: Which Are the World’s Richest Countries? Measuring GDP per capita is a common measure of the economic wealth on a per...
Each hexagon on the two maps represents 0.1% of the world’s overall GDP. The number below each region, country or metropolitan area represents the number of hexagons covered by that entity. So in the nominal GDP map, the state of New York represents 20 hexagons (i.e. 2.0% of global...
Source: World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts data files. See also:Thematic map,Time series comparison RankCountryValueYear 1United States20,953,000,000,000.002020 2China14,722,700,000,000.002020 3Japan5,057,760,000,000.002020 ...
Continents of the World The article discusses how students should be taught about continents with the help of a map. Teachers should explain that each continent is a different color on the map. Students should get familiar with the special festival held on each... CarsonDellosa - 《Scholastic ...
Description:The map below shows how GDP (constant LCU) varies by country in North America. The shade of the country corresponds to the magnitude of the indicator. The darker the shade, the higher the value. The country with the highest value in the region is United States, with a value ...
If data is not available for any economy or year in the world bank, data from the IMF has been listed.Nominal PPP Choropleth Map Bubble Map +-World GDP (Nominal) Ranking 2022Rank (1-10)Rank (11-20)Rank (21-30)Rank (31-40)Rank (41-50)Rank (51-100)Rank (below 100) Zoom ...
(-11), and Tuvalu (-10), are the top losers in the ranking.Choropleth Map Bubble Map Column Chart GDP per capita Change in GDP per capita +-GDP (Nominal) per capita (2022)Above 100000 $75000-100000 $50000-75000 $25000-50000 $10000-25000 $5000-10000 $3000-5000 $1000-3000 $Below ...
Just as stocks in different sectors trade at widely divergent price-to-sales ratios, different nations trade at market-cap-to-GDP ratios that are all over the map. For example, according to The World Bank, the U.S. had a market-cap-to-GDP ratio of 156.5% for 2022 (latest information)...