Germany (3,17), Canada (9,19), Australia (13,12), the Netherlands (18,11), and Switzerland (20,2) are in the top twenty lists of GDP and GDP per capita. In PPP, the United States (2,10) is present in the top ten.Choropleth Map Bubble Map Bubble Chart +-Projected GDP (...
如果城中村改造不提速,不排除房地产开发投资同比降幅在2023年的基础上走阔的可能。但值得注意的是,财政可能在一万亿元增发国债的基础上,还有更多的扩张,房地产投资也将高于2023年,这一点我们在后文会继续分析。 一万亿元新增国债对投资提振作用比较明显,但消费的提振幅度相对较小,其增速或较2023年的两年复合增速小...
March 29, 2023 By Pallavi Rao Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Reddit Pinterest Email The Briefing The world GDP per capita continues to grow every year, and is projected to be$13,920for 2023 Luxembourgis the richest country with a GDP per capita of$128,820 ...
This map lists every U.S. state’s GDP per capita, with darker hues signifying a higher number. Data was sourced from the Bureau of Economic Affairs and the Census Bureau, as of 2023.As a metric, GDP per capita can provide an indication of the standard of living and overall prosperity ...
If data is not available for any economy or year in the world bank, data from the IMF has been listed.Nominal PPP Choropleth Map Bubble Map +-World GDP (Nominal) Ranking 2022Rank (1-10)Rank (11-20)Rank (21-30)Rank (31-40)Rank (41-50)Rank (51-100)Rank (below 100) Zoom ...
(-12), Sri Lanka (-11), Afghanistan (-11) and Côte d'Ivoire (-10) are the biggest losers in the ranking.Choropleth Map Bubble Map Column Chart GDP Change in GDP +-GDP (Nominal) (2022)Above 20000 bn $10000-20000 bn $5000-10000 bn $2000-5000 bn $1000-2000 bn $500-1000 bn ...
(-11), and Tuvalu (-10), are the top losers in the ranking.Choropleth Map Bubble Map Column Chart GDP per capita Change in GDP per capita +-GDP (Nominal) per capita (2022)Above 100000 $75000-100000 $50000-75000 $25000-50000 $10000-25000 $5000-10000 $3000-5000 $1000-3000 $Below ...
China not yet rich, but with over$10,000in 2019 is pretty good compared to 20 years ago. Definition of High Income Country: The World Bank defines ahigh–income countryas one that has a gross nationalincomeper capital exceeding$12,056. ...
The plan serves as a roadmap for the country's international economic relations with timetables per geographic region and field of business activity, according to the government. The ratio of Greece's foreign direct investment (FDI) net inflows to GDP is expected to increase to 4 percent by 2...
Just as stocks in different sectors trade at widely divergent price-to-sales ratios, different nations trade at market-cap-to-GDP ratios that are all over the map. For example, according to The World Bank, the U.S. had a market-cap-to-GDP ratio of 156.5% for 2022 (latest information)...