Global GDP per capita in terms of PPP is forecast to be around Int. $24,469, Int. $1,095 up compared to Int. $23,374 in 2023. Per capita income in PPP, which gives better living standard estimates, is 177% of the nominal. During three years, global per capita income grew by ...
The calculation of the average per capita nominal monetary income is carried out at the macro leve...
阿富汗2023的阿富汗 GDP: USD: Gross National Income per Capita: Atlas Method是多少? 数值 前次数值 最小值 最大值 单位 频率 范围 360.000 2023 380.000 2022 180.000 2003 670.000 2014 美元 年 2003 - 2023 阿富汗 GDP: USD: Gross National Income per Capita: Atlas Method的相关...
哥斯达黎加2023的哥斯达黎加 CR: GDP: USD: Gross National Income per Capita: Atlas Method是多少? 数值前次数值最小值最大值单位频率范围 14,260.000202313,210.0002022350.000196414,260.0002023美元年1962 - 2023 哥斯达黎加 CR: GDP: USD: Gross National Income per Capita: Atlas Me...
Economies such as those of China and India have achieved GDP per capita growth rates well above the global average in the 21st century despite their populations of over a billion people each. This is thanks to the financial reforms initiated by China in the late 1970s and by India in the ...
GDP vs. GDP Per Capita In 2022, Brazil'sGDPwas USD 1.9 trillion.1Yet, considering Brazil’s total population, approximately 215.3 million in 2022, the average Brazilian income orGDP per capitawas only USD 8,900.23Brazil’s income is relatively large compared to the income of its workforce, ...
[17]联合国数据库.Per capita GDP at current prices - US dollars[EB/OL]. [2021-2-15]. [18][美]彼得-图尔钦.历史动力学:国家为何兴衰[M].陆殷莉、刁莉莉译,北京:中信出版集团股份有限公司,2020....
Key Difference - GDP Per Capita vs Income Per Capita The economic status of countries is vital due to a number of reasons, and many methods are used to m
Grenada, Guyana, Türkiye, Mauritius and Dominican Republic were entered the elite $10000 per capita GDP club in 2022. Sixty-eight conomies have per capita income higher than the global average. Twenty-one economies have less than $1,000. Ten economies are above five times richer than the ...
阿塞拜疆2023的阿塞拜疆 GDP: USD: Gross National Income per Capita: Atlas Method是多少? 数值前次数值最小值最大值单位频率范围 6,660.00020235,670.000202280.00019947,740.0002014美元年1992 - 2023 阿塞拜疆 GDP: USD: Gross National Income per Capita: Atlas Method的相关指标 ...