登录后复制Usage: gdbserver [OPTIONS] COMM PROG [ARGS ...] gdbserver [OPTIONS]--attach COMM PIDgdbserver [OPTIONS]--multi COMMCOMM may either be a tty device (forserial debugging), HOST:PORT to listenfora TCP connection,or'-'or'stdio' tousestdin/stdoutofgdbserver. PROGisthe executable ...
gdbserver [OPTIONS]--attach COMM PIDgdbserver [OPTIONS]--multi COMMCOMM may either be a tty device (forserial debugging),orHOST:PORTtolistenfora TCP connection. Options:--debug Enable general debugging output.--remote-debug Enable remote protocol debugging output.--version Display version informat...
PIDisthe process ID to attach to,when--attach is specified.Operating modes:--attach Attach to running process PID.--multi Start server without a specificprogram, andonly quitwhenexplicitly commanded.--once Exit after the first connection has closed.--help Print this message and then exit.--ve...
Usage: gdbserver [OPTIONS] COMM PROG [ARGS ...] gdbserver [OPTIONS]--attachCOMM PID gdbserver [OPTIONS]--multiCOMM COMM may either be a tty device (for serial debugging), or HOST:PORT to listenfor 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 如果提示其它错误信息,如二进制文件无法执行,则表示编译不成功。
Usage: gdbserver [OPTIONS] COMM PROG [ARGS ...]gdbserver [OPTIONS] --attach COMM PIDgdbserver [OPTIONS] --multi COMMCOMM may either be a tty device (for serial debugging),HOST:PORT to listen for a TCP connection, or '-' or 'stdio' to usestdin/stdout of gdbserver.PROG is the exec...
gdbserver [OPTIONS] --attach COMM PID gdbserver [OPTIONS] --multi COMM COMM may either be a tty device (for serial debugging), or HOST:PORT to listen for a TCP connection. gdbserver gdb target remote
%p - insert pid into filename 添加pid(进程ID) 2、设定core dumped文件大小为不限制 控制台输入命令: gedit ~/.bashrc 在该文件末尾加上: ulimit -c unlimited 3.当程序意外退出时,查看core dumped文件 控制台输入命令: gdb execute core_(dump file) ...
已运行进程调试 gdb attach -p ,其中pid为需要调试的进程名字。 2.3 gdbserver. 2.3.1 介绍 gdbserver是可以对目标设备上的程序进行远程调试的软件。 2.3.2 配置 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 运行 AI代码解释 make menuconfig --> Development --> <*> gdbserver... Remote server for GNU Debugg...
server# gdbserver --attach :9876 `pidof proc_name` Attached; pid = 10368 Listening on port 9876 其中,9876是监听端口,`pidof proc_name`获取待测程序的pid。 如果使用gdb手动远程调试,则执行以下命令: local# gdb /path/to/proc_file (gdb)target remote <server-ip>:9876 ...
gdbserver[OPTIONS]--attachCOMMPID gdbserver[OPTIONS]--multiCOMM COMMmayeitherbeattydevice(forserialdebugging),or HOST:PORTtolistenforaTCPconnection. Options: --debugEnablegeneraldebuggingoutput. --remote-debugEnableremoteprotocoldebuggingoutput. --versionDisplayversioninformationandexit. ...