gdbserver [OPTIONS]--attach COMM PIDgdbserver [OPTIONS]--multi COMMCOMM may either be a tty device (forserial debugging),orHOST:PORTtolistenfora TCP connection. Options:--debug Enable general debugging output.--remote-debug Enable remote protocol debugging output.--version Display version informat...
continue(c)[ignore-count] fg[ignore-count] 恢复程序运行,直到程序结束,或是下一个断点到来。ignore-count表示其后忽略断点的次数。continue,c,fg三个命令都是一样的意思。 stepNStep program until it reaches a different source line. Argument N means do this N times (or till program stops for another...
Attach is aimed to be used to connect to a running program in the device without doing a reset or downloading a new program. [STM32_Programmer_CLI is always started with "mode=UR reset=hwRst" so that a device reset is done when loading a new program independent of this option. This ...
This means I can't just flash the binary and then attach the debugger on later if an error condition occurs. I'd likely have to attach the debugger at the start (after I finished flashing) and then continue it, or dig around deep into the openocd configuration files to fig...
I managed to get the Linux host PC to connect to the JLink gdbserver setup, but so far the only gdb command which allows the device to run thereafter is 'continue'. Trying to 'attach' to an app's running process ID complains that it has to kill the currently running process (which ...
--attach Attach to a running process. --multi Enable multi-process mode. --debug Enable debugging output for gdbserver itself. --once Exit after the first connection is closed. --wrapper WRAPPER Specify a wrapper program to run the debugged program. –disabled-randomization Disable address spac...
DBG_CONTINUE_SINGLESTEP = $00010003;//continueDebugEvent continuestatus only for DBVM BP's (and gdbserver protocol) DBG_CONTINUE_SINGLESTEP_UNHANDLED = $00010004; implementation functionTDebuggerInterface.getCurrentDebugggerAttachStatus: string;
1: (5663) <--exec-continue 1: (5666) ->^running 1: (5666) ->*running,thread-id="all" 1: (5666) ->(gdb) 1: (5666) ->&"\n" 1: (5666) ->^done 1: (5669) ->(gdb) 1: (8088) <--gdb-exit 1: (8093) ->^exit 1: (8093) ->&"Cannot execute this command while the...
gdbserver IP:PORT --attach PID 具体到目标机开启的命令为: 1 2 3 [root@test~]# gdbserver --attach 6622 Attached; pid = 6622 Listening on port 8888 调试机:PC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16