µGCSE:Energy Stores 10 quick questions - for GCSE and iGCSE home 10 minutes maximum! Can you do it in 5? 1. What form of energy is stored in a lump of coal? A. Chemical energy. B. Gravitational Potential Energy. C. Electrical Energy. ...
Listening: Students listen to a number of recordings and answer multiple choice and matching questions. Paper 2: 1 hour 15 minutes 25% Reading: Students read a number of texts and answer multiple choice and matching questions as well as questions requiring short answers. Paper 4: 1 hour 15 m...
AnswerALLquestions. 1Thediagramshowsaroller-coasterride. ThecarispulledslowlyfromthestarttopointBandthenreleased. (a)Chooselettersfromthediagramtocompletethissentence. (2) Thecarhasthemostgravitationalpotentialenergyatpoint... anditgoesfastestatpoint... (b)Themassofthecaris900kg. Themaximumspeedofthecaris...
At the end of each section there are two or three pages of exam board questions. The section on Energy opens with a topic on enery from food, then moves on to energy transfer, work and power, electrical, efficiency, heat transfer, insulation, fuels and renewable energy resources. Most of...