8. Space physics (physics only)(空间物理) 第一单元Energy(能源)作为GCSE物理学习的引入,对于小伙伴们学好物理学,增强学习信心具有很大作用。而Energy Changes(能量转换)又是能源内容的引入部分,小伙伴们一定要学好这部分内容哦~ AQA GCSE物理Energy Changes(能量转换)有哪些知识点需要大家记住并掌握的呢? 1.1 储能...
Work Function - The minimum energy needed to remove an electron from the surface of a material.These terms are fundamental for understanding the key concepts in GCSE Physics.以下是GCSE物理中60个重要术语:力- 作用在物体上的推或拉,单位为牛顿(N)。质量- 物体中物质的量,单位为千克(kg)。重量- ...
This GCSE Physics energy quiz takes a look at kinetic theory. The kinetic theory (sometimes referred to as the kinetic particle theory) of matter is used to explain many of the properties of solids, liquids and gases. As you might imagine from the name of this theory, it is all about mo...
弹性势能,一个物体在形变的过程中所储存的能量,这个形变可以是拉伸,可以是压缩,比如说弹簧形变、弹力绳形变等等 Sound energy The ability to do work due to the kinetic and potential energy of the vibrating particles in a sound wave 声能,指的是声音,也就是声波在传播的过程中所携带的能量。 Electrical p...
Energy Energy is the capacity to do work or produce heat. In GCSE Physics, students will learn about various forms of energy, such as kinetic energy, potential energy, and thermal energy. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion, and it depends on the mass and speed of an object. Potential...
(Afterit leaves the hand to its highest point).to 10. A vehicle is slowed down by friction brakes on the wheels. The kinetic energy lost from the truck is dissipated as ... A. thermal energy. B. electrical energy. C. sound energy. D. chemical energy. ABCD Save and Submit...
2.Thermal Physics热学物理 2.1 Simple kinetic molecular model of matter物质简单分子动能模型 (a)States of matter物质的状态 1-state the distinguishing properties of solids,liquids and gases 描述固体,液体,气体性质的区别 (b)Molecular model分子模型 ...
The physics book is organised in four major sections which are: Energy, Electricity, Forces and Radiation and waves. Each section is organized in double-page spreads which are laid-out double-column format with effective use of full-colour diagrams and tinted features to highlight equations and ...
Physics Motion, matter and forces, energy, work and power, simple kinetic molecular model of mater, matter and thermal properties, transfer of thermal energy, waves, light, electromagnetic spectrum, sound, magnetism, electricity, electric circuits, electromagnetic effects and radioactivity. 第34页 GCSE...
Physics Unit:4PH0 Paper:2PR Friday12June2015–Afternoon Time:1hour Youmusthave: Ruler,calculator Instructions Useblackinkorball-pointpen. Fillintheboxesatthetopofthispagewithyourname, centrenumberandcandidatenumber. Answerallquestions. Answerthequestionsinthespacesprovided ...