配置:使用命令设置默认项目gcloud config set project <project ID> 当您登录 gcloud CLI 时,命令gcloud config list显示了当前配置,但是,我们可以有多个配置,gcloud config configurations list并将列出所有可用的配置。 要创建新配置,请使用gcloud config configurations create <name>命令。 撤销当前设置的PJgcloud conf...
Create two configurations using gcloud config configurations create [NAME]. Run gcloud config configurations activate [NAME] to switch between accounts when running the commands to start the Compute Engine instances. Create two configurations using gcloud config configurations create [NAME]. ...
使用gcloud和kubectl切换GCP帐户和上下文不起作用 、、、 我有2个gmail帐户,每个帐户与2个单独的GCP帐户相关联。为了从命令行切换帐户,我在过去两周左右一直在使用这两个命令: $ gcloud config configurations activate ACCT_NAME $ kubectl config set-contextCONTEXT 注意:我也一直在使用'kubectx‘,它比使...
Q 1. What is the gcloud command to set default zone for compute engine server using gcloud cli? A. gcloud config set compute/zone us-east-1 B. gcloud config configurations set compute/zone us-east-1a C. gcloud config set compute/zone us-east1-a D. gcloud defaults set compute/zone us...
配置gcloud。 选择地区和区域。 第一步,配置gcloud,创建 OAuth2 来验证和访问资源。要使用gcloudcompute,首先我们必须配置 Google SDK 来创建授权所需的令牌。 为了配置 Google SDK,我们必须打开命令行,使用命令gcloud init。这使用默认配置,并且适用于大多数配置。打开 Google SDK 并运行命令gcloud init,它会给出以下...
GCP | How to create kubernetes cluster with gcloud command gcptutorials.cominGCPJan 05•3 min read GCP | how to use gcloud config set command gcptutorials.cominGCPJan 05•3 min read TensorFlow | How to use tf.reduce_sum in TensorFlow ...
首先需要在本地电脑上安装 GCP 命令行客户端:gcloud,参考链接为:gcloud 因为众所周知的原因,gcloud 要能正常使用,要设置代理才可以,下面是设置 SOCKS5 代理的命令: # gcloud configsetproxy/typePROXY_TYPE$ gcloud configsetproxy/typesocks5 # gcloud configsetproxy/addressPROXY_IP_ADDRESS$ gcloud configsetprox...
Applies to the local shell environment only to avoid race conditions caused by naively changing the global gcloud config at ~/.config/gcloud/active_config calls .envrc-kubernetes to set the kubectl context isolated to current shell to prevent race conditions between shells and scripts caused by...
1. 노스-사우스 토폴로지 구축의 경우: gcloud deployment-manager deployments create cluster_name --config north-south/deploy_ngfw_cluster.yaml 2. 이스트-웨스트 토폴로지 구축의 경우: gcloud deployment-manager deployments...
compute.googleapis.com If you don't enable these APIs at this time, you can enable them during the onboarding process by running the GCloud script.After you create the connector, a scan starts on your GCP environment. New recommendations appear in Defender for Cloud after up to 6 hours. If...