Sometimes when you have multiple accounts configured, there could be a mismatch between activated account and active configuration. To solve this, first list the configruations. gcloud config configurations list If there is a mismatch, you can activate the correct configuration using the following com...
$ gcloud config set [property] [value] Fetch the value of a gcloud property $ gcloud config get [property] Display all the properties for the current configuration $ gcloud config list Create a new configuration with a given name $ gcloud config configurations create [configuration_name] Display...
gcloud config configurations activate my_configuration 设置凭据(以下一项) (交互式)gcloud auth login gcloud config set account my_existing_credentials gcloud auth activate-service-account 设置项目 gcloud config set project my_project 可通过以下方式查看设置凭据的可访问项目列表gcloud projects list (可选)设...
使用gcloud config list命令来查看当前的配置信息,确保账户和项目信息正确。 如果配置错误,可以使用gcloud config set命令来修改配置信息。 推荐的腾讯云相关产品和产品介绍链接地址: 腾讯云提供了丰富的云计算产品和服务,包括云服务器、容器服务、云数据库、云存储等。以下是一些相关产品和介绍链接: 云服务器(CVM):腾...
在使用多个kubernetes集群的GCP中工作时,我希望在切换gcloud配置时自动获得集群凭据。我已经使用gcloud config configurations create [config-name]为gcloud创建了几个配置,并设置了我需要的配置,特别是gcloud config set当我使用gcloud config configurations
$ gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID Step 3: Provision resources and deploy Now that you have authenticated, you can list what projects are in your account with this command: gcloud projects list ThePROJECT_IDis of interest, in the example below, the value for it isyour-project-id:...
Set the current project using gcloud config set project <PROJECT_ID> Connect to your VM instance using gcloud compute ssh <INSTANCE_NAME> If you connect for the first time, you will be asked "Would you like to install the Nvidia driver?". Input y. It should take 1 min or so. Run th...
Your configuration sheet should look similar to below image. Follow exactly the same configuration for the ones with red boxes. For configurations with orange boxes, you can adjust it based on your project need as discussed below. Pay attention to the monthly price, make sure you claim only ne...
export RMON_CONFIG=xxx.json file = os.environ.get('RMON_CONFIG') content = '' ...
将机器学习(ML)模型部署到生产环境中的一个常见模式是将这些模型作为 RESTful API 微服务公开,这些...