Cross-profiling (Using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)) 关于gcov的使用说明,有一部分是交叉编译的使用方法,现在摘录如下: 10.5DataFileRelocationtoSupportCross-ProfilingRunningtheprogramwillcauseprofileoutputtobegenerated.Foreachsourcefilecompiledwith-fprofile-arcs,anaccompanying.gcdafilewillbeplacedintheobjectfile...
首先做一下binutils [root@T-bagwell binutils-2.21]# ./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --target=arm-linux --prefix=/usr/local/arm/gcc-4.6.0/ --disable-nls --enable-shared --disable-multilib [root@T-bagwell binutils-2.21]# make configure-host [root@T- ...
Build Amiga GCC 3.3.3 Cross Compiler for Linux or Windows by Troy Silvey This tutorial will help build an Amiga GCC 3.3.3 cross compiler on Linux or Windows XP. I've sucessfully tested this doc on RedHat Linux and Windows XP. Other tutorials used GCC 2.95 and usually ended in failed ...
通过工具生成 2. 交叉编译工具安装 )$vi ~/.bashrc最后一行 添加export PATH=$PATH:/opt/gcc-4.9.4/bin/重启终端 即可生效 )在终端直接执行 $export PATH=$PATH:/opt/gcc-4.9.4/bin/只在当前终端生效 ) $sudo vi /etc/profile最后一行 添加export PATH=$...
在Linux (Fedora 35) 下用 wine 运行通过 mingw32 编译的 WINDOWS 可执行文件 > Executing task: C/C++: mingw32 gcc build w32 active file < Starting build... /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ -Wall -Wextra -fdiagnostics-color=always -g ...
A script to cross-compile GCC toolchain for various target architectures. gcccross-compiler-toolchaincross-compilergcc-cross-compiler UpdatedMay 18, 2024 Python kdrag0n/aarch64-elf-gcc Star26 Code Issues Pull requests GCC 9.2.0 + binutils 2.32 toolchain for x86_64 hosts, targeted for bare-meta...
Compile gcc4.9.4 + Latest-Mingw-w64 under Linux, build Cross-compile-toolchain , to generate software which can run on windows xp and xp+ x32/x64. We generate all static compile. Reference: ...
定义要使用的编译器,非交叉编译的场合,CROSS_COMPILE为空,所以使用的就是gcc,交叉编译时(如在x86 PC上编译在ARM上运行的软件),CROSS_COMPILE会定义为类似于arm_linux_gnu_的值,这时会使用交叉编译器(如arm_linux_gnu_gcc)。
WinLibs - MinGW-w64 personal build = GCC for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit - Coming soon: the largest collection of open source libraries ported to Windows using MinGW-w64 and MSYS2.
Enter the cross compiler prefix "arm-none-eabi" and the path Within the IDE, create a src and an inc folder. Inside the src folder, create a Startup folder. (Again, this is a different file structure than I used in my STM32F0 tutorial. Do what works for you.) ...