= arm,将CROSS_COMPILE ?= 修改为CROSS_COMPILE ?= arm-linux-gcc,或者不修改,而是将ARCH和CROSS_COMPILE的值通过命令行传入。然后在linux内核源码目录下,执行make menuconfig,那之后发生了什么? make命令在未指定文件的情况下,默认寻找名为Makefile或GNUMakefile的文件(文件名不区分大小写,无后缀名)。make menucon...
系统环境: 1、操作系统:Ubuntu16.04 2、交叉编译工具链:arm-linux-gcc4.4.3 3、busybox源码包:busybox-1.25.0 一、修改Makefile配置 首先解压源码包: tar -jxvf busybox-1.25.0.tar.bz2 进入busybox-1.25.0目录,修改Makefile文件如下: ARCH ?= arm CROSS_COMPILE ?= arm-linux- 二、修改配置文件 make m...
4、arm编译器在gcc的一些概念 binutils+gcc+glibc = arm-linux-gcc 在以arm为处理器的linux系统 binut...
定义要使用的编译器,非交叉编译的场合,CROSS_COMPILE为空,所以使用的就是gcc,交叉编译时(如在x86 PC上编译在ARM上运行的软件),CROSS_COMPILE会定义为类似于arm_linux_gnu_的值,这时会使用交叉编译器(如arm_linux_gnu_gcc)。
在~/.bashrc最后加入:export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/arm/3.4.1/bin 如果编译u-boot或者busybox的时候指定3.3.2的版本: CROSS_COMPILE=/usr/local/arm/3.3.2/bin/arm-linux- 3.4.1的就直接用arm-linux-就可以了。 arm-linux-gcc-4.2.1的版本在http://ftp.snapgear.org:9981/pub/snapgear/tools/arm-lin...
I have theories on the problem. The gcc version installed is older that the one I'm trying to compile, I'm using a different target in this case "arm-marvell-linux-gnueabi". I really don't know what to do, I'll try and follow the steps first with the architecture you are using ...
7. 去掉调试信息(瘦身):arm-linux-strip a.out 提取程序中的字符串:arm-linux-strings a.out 9. 制作库:arm-linux-ar arm-linux-ld 链接:https://www.crifan.com/files/doc/docbook/cross_compile/release/html/cross_compile.html 三.GDB调试: ...
参考http://.embbnux/2014/04/28/compile_arm_gcc_for_linux_x86_64_amd64/ How-to-build-toolchain 环境:UBUNTU14.0464 一首先是下载gcc源码:https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded/+download 下载里面的src包解压;进入到src目录,把所有的压缩包再解压。
We are using Linaro gcc armhf cross compiler, getting the binaries of gcc from the official or trusted source is preferred. Why Cross Compiling Cross compiler enables us to compile ARM code on x64/x86 machines with 10 times plus speed. we will use it for Kernel, U-Boot, and other compil...
compilation targeting ARM microcontrollers. The 15.6 Preview 2 release adds debugging support. To enable this in the installation choose the Linux development with C++ workload and select the option for Embedded and IoT Development. This adds the ARM GCC cross compilation tools and Make to your ...