求救,gcc安装了但报错bash: gcc: command not found 只看楼主 收藏 回复 贴吧用户_72tQPVE 路人 2 如下图,在msys2 MINGW64中查看gcc版本和路径均报错。而在cmd中输入指令gcc -v则没问题。环境变量也正确配置了,请问可能是什么问题? 贴吧用户_72tQPVE 路人 2 补一张cmd中的运行结果 GTA小鸡 吧主 14 ...
你可以通过安装Xcode Command Line Tools来获取gcc。执行以下命令: bash xcode-select --install 这将打开一个弹窗,提示你安装Command Line Tools。点击“安装”按钮,然后遵循安装过程中的指示完成安装。 对于Windows系统: 在Windows上安装gcc可以通过MinGW或MSYS2来实现。这两个工具都提供了GNU工具链在Windows上的移...
gcc version 12.1.0 (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 编译ffmpeg(32bit) 1、下载FFMPEG最新版本5.1 地址:https://ffmpeg.org/ 往下拉 下载完后, 解压到msys64/home下 在home文件夹下新建文件夹out 如果是编译64bit代码,启动 MSYS2 MinGW 64-bit 编译32bit代码,启动 MSYS2 MinGW 32-bit 这里编译的是32bit:...
the "all-in-one toolchain & MSYS2 zip file" fromhere. Then, I also downloaded the toolchain for ESP8266 from the same site and put it in my~/espfolder. I've updated the PATH (in.bash_profile) to includextensa-lx106-elf/bin, however when runningmakethe command can't be found. ...
6.让Msys2更顺手 使用Makefile glibc问题(Linux) 解答 在VSCode中使用Git 关于学习的理念 强烈建议先初步学会使用gcc(mingw64)等命令,这样配置才不会一脸懵逼 1,下载安装(2个软件) VS Code官网:https://code.visualstudio.com/ps: system installer和user installer的区别就在用于为所有用户/单用户安装。
如果用MSYS2运行,一定要设置以下环境控制。 (最好是对所有用户)。 MSYS2_PATH_TYPE inherit (继承) 为了使交叉编译的可执行文件和库发挥作用,需要相应的运行时库。这些将需要从Linux主机系统复制到 目标机上。这些运行时库由软件包提供。 mingw64-libgcc_s_seh1 ...
Can I use MSYS/MSYS2/MinGW/MinGW/MinGW-w32/MinGW-w64/Cygwin, etc to do this? No. But you can try. I got all sorts of crazy errors I was simply unable to resolve when I was looking at solutions to compile these tools. I have successfully compiled on Windows in the past, however th...
MSYS2 is installed, but g++ and gdb are still not found You must follow the steps on theMSYS2 websiteto use the MSYS CLI to install the full MinGW-w64 toolchain(pacman -S --needed base-devel mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-toolchain), as well as all required prerequisites. The toolchain includ...
The other way to get there is with msys2(http://msys2.github.io),which updated its GCC to 4.9.2 in the last week, from what what I remember seeing when I upgraded the packages - no building from source required, which speeds things up a little... ...
If you don't see the expected output org++orgdbis not a recognized command, make sure your PATH entry matches the Mingw-w64 binary location where the compilers are located. If the compilers do not exist at that PATH entry, make sure you followed the instructions on theMSYS2 websiteto inst...