Stop. make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/src/agg-2.4/src' make: *** [Makefile:4: src/libagg.a] Error 2 我也跑过: pacman -S automake autoconf 使 mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc mingw-w64-x86_64-gdb mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL_ttf 为了获得我的构建工具。 我查看了this...
I will be installing packages as i go :) currently, 'can only think of: gcc make clang. will seee for pactoys and python wslbridge2 someday later. also stumbled upon an article on "Re-installing MSYS2" (semi-permalink) 5th pt is important: to save server bandwidth, reuse old cached ...
I've been trying to get qmk going for my iris. I made it to the make hex part but now I'm stuck. I was following this guide- I'm getting "make :command not f...
在Windows上,我使用的是MinGW-w64提供的GCC 9.2。我使用的是MSYS2附带的发行版。我需要能够创建系统进程(从C++应用程序中启动外部应用程序)。 在过去,我使用Qt库的QProcess来做这件事。但是,此应用程序没有任何Qt依赖项,我希望防止仅为这一个功能添加Qt依赖项。/mingw64/include/boost/process/detail/windows...
例如,如果想在WinXP32位平台上编译运行于Win7 64位平台的程序或库(dll),需要选择:x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-4.8.0-win32_rubenvb.7z。 因为我的机器是64位Win7,因此我选择了上面2个包。解压后得到: 1 2 C:\DEVPACK\MinGW\mingw32\ C:\DEVPACK\MinGW\mingw64\ ...
Fork40 Star116 New issue Building in msys2 ... Invalid configurationx86_64-pc-msys': systemmsys' not recognized#6 Closed kingaj12opened this issueOct 17, 2018· 8 comments Copy link kingaj12commentedOct 17, 2018 Following instructions for the windows build. Installed msys2, downloaded package...