a0 应该是工程图模板 可能是a0的图纸
GB-Assemblyandoperationconstructions...01-12 GB 1 Encapsulated SubmersibleMotors, 6"and8" GB Assemblyandoperating instructions FranklinElectricEuropaGmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Straße20 D-54616Wittlich,Germany Tel.:+49(0)6571/105-0 Fax:+49(0)6571/105-520 E-Mail:field-service@franklin-electric.de...
Do you want to become a GBGI dealer? We’re always looking to expand our dealer network so get in touch with us today to learn more about becoming a dealer for our products. GET IN TOUCH Design and manufacture a superior assembly - grow with us and unlock your full planting potential....
Update GB bootroms assembly #8 Merged ISSOtm merged 1 commit into ISSOtm:master from Rangi42:refactor Nov 2, 2024 +194 −208 Conversation 1 Commits 1 Checks 0 Files changed 6 Conversation Contributor Rangi42 commented Nov 2, 2024 Changes include: Factoring out shared constants/macros...
应该是病毒了,这个文件夹是程序集,我刚看了下我的电脑,才224M,我C盘总共加起来不过6个G 最简单的方法就是重装系统
Learn to create games for the Game Boy using Assembly gbdev.io/gb-asm-tutorial/ Topics gamedev tutorial gameboy assembly gameboy-color gbdev gb-asm-tutorial Resources Readme License MIT license Activity Custom properties Stars 136 stars Watchers 9 watching Forks 44 forks Report rep...
Assembly and comparative analysis of transposable elements from low coverage genomic sequence data in Asparagales 来自 国家科技图书文献中心 喜欢 0 阅读量: 28 作者:Kate,L.,Hertweck 摘要: The research field of comparative genomics is movi 关键词: Asparagales transposable elements genome size evolution ...
GB2397343 A gas turbine engine blade containment assemblyAlison McmillanIan Care
GB 9074.24 - 1988Plain Washers for Assembly 19 [GB] GB /T 97.4 (N) - 2002Plain Washers (Normal) for Combination Screw 20 [GB] GB 9074.29 - 1988Samll Washer for Tapping Screw Assembly 21 [JIS] JIS B 1258 (S) - 2012Plain Washers for Screw and Washer Assemblies - Type S ...
The IEEE 802.3ba Task Force (the group chartered to develop the 40 Gb/s and 100 Gb/s Ethernet specifications) has identified passive twinaxial copper cable assemblies of lengths up to at least 10 meters as a viable media objective for the interconnection of switch's aggregated in equipment ra...