中文名:电气和电子设备机械结构 符合英制系列和公制系列机柜的热管理 第5部分:户内机柜的冷却性能评估 英文名:Mechanical structures for electrical and electronic equipment. Thermal management for cabinets in accordance with inch and metric system. Part 5: Cooling performance evaluation for indoor cabinets GB/...
433. GB/T 32748-2016;渠道衬砌与防渗材料;Canal lining and seepage prevention materials;有效434. GB/T 32749-2016;水文缆道机电设备及测验仪器通用技术条件;General specifications for equipment and instrument by hydrometric cableway measurements;有效435. GB/T 32750-2016;茶花鸡;Chahua chicken;有效436. GB...
3.1.1 Assembly valve on high pressure hydrogen storage cylinder for vehicles valve installed on the high-pressure hydrogen storage cylinder for vehicles and composed of components such as manual cut-off valve, automatic cut-off valve, check valve, thermally-activated pressure relief device (TPRD) an...
GB 22513-2023 英文版/外文版/翻译版 GBT 22513-2023 英文版/外文版/翻译版 石油天然气钻采设备 井口装置和采油树 1 范围 本文件规定了石油天然气工业用井口装置和采油树的使用性能、设计、材料、焊接、栓接、封隔机构、附件、压力边界贯穿装置和端接口、质量控制、工厂验收试验、标志、贮存和运输、装置特殊要求和...
Single Coil Spring Lock Washer for Assembly 供应商(8) 3 [国标] GB 7244 - 1987 重型弹簧垫圈 Single Coil Spring Lock Washers Heavy Type 供应商(10) 4 [国标] GB 859 - 1987 轻型弹簧垫圈 Single Coil Spring Lock Washers, Light Type
h) Safety valves, boarding shutdown valves and actuators (see 15.18): 1) Surface safety valve assembly, actuator preparation valves and actuators; 2) Underwater safety valve assembly, actuator preparation valves and actuators; 3) Boarding shutdown valve assembly, actuator preparation valves, actuators...
Unlon tee-Assembly 20 [國标] GB 3751.1 - 1983 卡套式壓力表管接頭 Connector For Pressure Gauge - Assembly 21 [國标] GB 3289.1 - 1982 管件結構 22 [國标] GB 3289.10 - 1982 可鍛鑄鐵管路連接件型式尺寸 三通 内外絲三通 Malleable cast iron pipe fittings - Type size - Tees, male and femal...
Assembly valve on high pressure hydrogen storage cylinder for vehicles 专业源于专注|Chinaautoregs始终专注于汽车标准翻译领域!「中国汽车标准译文库」已收录上千个现行汽车国家标准和行业标准的英文版译本,涵盖传统燃油车、新能源汽车和摩托车标准化体系!独家打造千万级汽车专业术语库和记忆库。
The drive line assembly consists of ___ main units. A. four B. five C. six D. seven 查看完整题目与答案 The ___ is an important assembly to let each road wheel turn at its own speed when it is necessary. A. transmission B. clutch C. frame D. differential 查看完整...
Lountersunk External Toothed Lock Washer for Assembly 供应商(3) 2 [国标] GB 861.1 - 1987 内齿锁紧垫圈 供应商(9) 3 [国标] GB 861.2 - 1987 内锯齿锁紧垫圈 供应商(6) 4 [国标] GB 862.1 - 1987 外齿锁紧垫圈 供应商(9) 5 [国标] ...