基于EU法规的测试数据报告,能否用于GB-COP的监控测试数据? Yes, where the vehicle specification and test procedures are common test data from EU type approved vehicles can be used in support of GB type approvals. 可以, 当车辆测试的技术规范和测试程序一致时, 依据EU法规测试的数据,可以用 于支撑GB-C...
This document specifies the fuel consumption limitsfor passenger cars, application for type approval, determination of fuelconsumption, determination and record of type approval value, conformity ofproduction, modification and extension of type approval, and implementationdate of this standard. This document...
参考文献 [1] Regulation (EC) No.2019/2144 Type-approval requirements for motor vehicles and their trailers» and systems» components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles- as regards their general safety and the protection of vehicle occupants and vulnerable road users [2] UN...
4 Application and approval of type-approval 5 Specifications and tests 6 Conformity of production assessment 7 Diesel engine markings 8 Parameters defining the engine family 9 Selection of the parent engine 10 Implementation of the standard Annex A (Normative) Application document of type approval Appe...
Annex A (Normative) Type Approval Report of Fuel Consumption / Type Approval Application Report of Fuel Consumption 本标准规定了轻型商用车辆燃料消耗量的限值。 本标准适用于能够燃用汽油或柴油燃料、最大设计车速大于或等于5 0 k m / h的N 1类和最大设计总质量不超过3 500 kg的M2类车辆。
3、要求其供应商落实网络安全管理体系,以保证技术要求的落实,最终通过车辆型式审批认证( VTA :Vehicle Type Approval ) 5、UN R155引用或参考的相关标准 华菱咨询 中国汽车网络安全标准(GB 44495:2024 )简介 概述 中国汽车网络安全标准GB 44495:2024,全称为《汽车整车信息安全技术要求》,是中华人民共和国工业和信息...
AnnexF(Normative)Type-ApprovalCertificate AnnexG(Normative)Conformityofproduction AnnexH(Informative)Bibliography 《非道路移动机械用柴油机排气污染物排放限值及测量方法(中国第三、四阶段)》(GB20891-2014)修改单 1.将前言第二段修改为:本标准规定了第三、四阶段非道路移动机械用柴油机排气污染物排放限值和测量方...
of seawaterGB/T 43330.1-2023 Ballast water treatment system - Part 1: RequirementsHG/T 2471 Coating of dimensionally stable anode for electrolyzerGuidelines for type approval test of electric and electronic products (2015), China Classification SocietyResolution MEPC.300 (72) Code for approval of...
Annex C (Normative) Test of exhaust emissions after a cold start at normal temperature (Type I Test) Annex D (Normative) Test of real driving emissions (Type II Test) 148 Annex E (Normative) Test of crankcase emissions (Type III Test) 206 ...
AnnexG(Normative)Durabilitytestofpollutioncontroldevices(TypeVTest) AnnexH(Normative)TestofCO,THCandNOxexhaustemissionsafteracoldstartatlowtemperature(TypeVITest) AnnexI(Normative)Testofrefuelingemissions(TypeVIITest) AnnexJ(Normative)On-boardDiagnostics(OBD)System ...