参考文献 [1] Regulation (EC) No.2019/2144 Type-approval requirements for motor vehicles and their trailers» and systems» components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles- as regards their general safety and the protection of vehicle occupants and vulnerable road users [2] UN...
本标准测试方法参照了 UN Regulation No.9-Rev.4《关于三轮摩托车噪声核准的统一规 定》、UN Regulation No.41-Rev.3《关于两轮摩托车噪声核准的统一规定》和 UN Regulation No.63-Rev.1《关于轻便摩托车噪声核准的统一规定》中有关的技术内容。 本标准修订了 GB 16169—2005《摩托车和轻便摩托车加速行驶噪声限...
[1] Regulation (EC) No.2019/2144 Type-approval requirements for motor vehicles and their trailers» and systems» components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles- as regards their general safety and the protection of vehicle occupants and vulnerable road users [2] UN Regulatio...
本标准测试方法参照了 UN Regulation No.9-Rev.4《关于三轮摩托车噪声核准的统一规 定》、UN Regulation No.41-Rev.3《关于两轮摩托车噪声核准的统一规定》和 UN Regulation No.63-Rev.1《关于轻便摩托车噪声核准的统一规定》中有关的技术内容。 本标准修订了 GB 16169—2005《摩托车和轻便摩托车加速行驶噪声限...
theapplicationofRegulation (EU)2019/2144oftheEuropeanParliamentandoftheCouncilasre- gards uniform procedures and technicalspecificationsforthetype-approvalof vehicles,and of systems,componentsandseparatetechnicalunitsintendedforsuchvehicles,asregardstheirgeneral constructioncharacteristicsandsafety...
本标准测试方法参照了 UN Regulation No.9-Rev.4《关于三轮摩托车噪声核准的统一规 定》、UN Regulation No.41-Rev.3《关于两轮摩托车噪声核准的统一规定》和 UN Regulation No.63-Rev.1《关于轻便摩托车噪声核准的统一规定》中有关的技术内容。 本标准修订了 GB 16169—2005《摩托车和轻便摩托车加速行驶噪声限...
Added the requirements for type test of replacement pollution control devices.Main specifications in this standard refer to the relevant provisions contained in ECE Regulation No. 49 “Uniform provisions concerning the measures to be taken against the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants ...
IssueDescription:ChinaenforcesanolderversionoftheECERegulationwithadifferent interpretationofthe60%arearequirement,causestyling/CCC/typeapprovalissue.① ② •发光面算法(矩形):面积A+B≥60%C •透光面算法(矩形):面积A+B≥60%C •(A+B)满足配光性能 •(A+B)满足配光性能 A B A B C C 欧规...
[13] Offer available worldwide (excluding China and embargoed countries or other countries identified as restricted by applicable law or regulation) to new and existing subscribers who are 18+. Click on the Adobe icon in the start menu to redeem a 1-month free trial membership for select ...
In any way that breaches any applicable local, national or international law or regulation. In any way that is unlawful or fraudulent, or has any unlawful or fraudulent purpose or effect. For the purpose of stalking, harming, harassing or abusing, or attempting to stalk, harm, harass or ...